• Chronologie Saison 2 Saison 4 modifier Cet article prsente les pisodes de la troisime saison de la srie tlvise britannique Downton Abbey. Sommaire 1 poque 2 Distribution de la saison 2. 2 pisode 2: Un dner l'amricaine 3. 3 pisode 3: Au pied de l'autel 3. Downton Abbey is a British period drama that won a Golden Globe for best drama miniseries in 2012. It begins in preWorld War I England, right after the sinking of the RMS Titanic. Downton Abbey details the trials and tribulations of a family of nobility living on an estate called Downton Abbey, run by matriarch Violet Crawley, her son Robert Crawley, and his American wife, Cora. James leaves Downton, Mary has a weekend rendezvous with Gillingham, Carson and the Earl disagree for the site of the War memorial, a wireless becomes part of Downton life, and Edith becomes Marigold's godmother. Season 2 of the Emmy Awardwinning Downton Abbey returns as The Great War rages across Europe, and not even the serene Yorkshire countryside is free from its effects. Downton Abbey brytyjski serial kostiumowy nadawany przez stacj ITV od 26 wrzenia 2010 do 25 grudnia 2015. A starstudded lineup will feature in a oneoff Downton Abbey comedy sketch forText Santa. Entertainment legend Bruce Forsyth is the first celebrity guest to be announced for the special show. Downton Abbey er en britisk dramaserie som gikk p ITV fra 2010 til 2015. Serien flger livene til den aristokratiske Crawleyfamilien og dens tjenere. Handlingen utspiller seg mellom de siste par rene fr frste verdenskrig frem til midten av 1920tallet. Serien ble skapt og hovedsakelig skrevet av den Oscarvinnende forfatteren Julian Fellowes. Downton Abbey uma srie de televiso britnica de drama histrico produzida pela companhia Carnival Films para o canal ITV. [1 A srie se passa em sua maior parte em uma propriedade fictcia, localizada em Yorkshire, chamada Downton Abbey e segue os Crawley, uma famlia aristocrtica inglesa, e os seus criados, no incio do sculo XX, a partir de 1912. Downton Abbey is an PBS drama set in 1912 about the Crawley household. It is written by Julian Fellowes and stars Maggie Smith, Hugh Bonneville, and Elizabeth McGovern. A Downton Abbey angolamerikai koprodukciban kszl kosztms drma, melyet Julian Fellowes alkotott a Carnival Films s a Masterpiece kzremkdsvel. szeptember 26n vettettk az Egyeslt Kirlysgban az ITVn. Az Amerikai Egyeslt llamokban a PBS vetti a sorozatot 2011. A sorozat egy kitallt helysznen. Downton Abbey una serie televisiva angloamericana in costume, coprodotta da Carnival Films e Masterpiece per il network britannico ITV e per la PBS, televisione nonprofit statunitense. La serie, ideata e principalmente scritta dall'attore e scrittore Julian Fellowes, ambientata fra il 1912 e il 1926, durante il regno di re Giorgio V, nella tenuta fittizia di Downton Abbey nello Yorkshire. Original UK Edition: Season 2 of the Emmy Awardwinning Downton Abbey returns as The Great War rages across Europe, and not even the serene Yorkshire countryside is free from its effects. Downton Abbey is a British period drama television series created by Julian Fellowes and coproduced by Carnival Films and Masterpiece. It first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and on PBS in the United States on 9 January 2011, as part of the Masterpiece Classic anthology. Six series have been made, the sixth airing in the autumn of 2015 in the UK and Ireland, and in. Downton Abbey, the awardwinning series from Julian Fellowes, spans 12 years of gripping drama centered on a great English estate on the cusp of a vanishing way of life. I remember the '70s and another Series which was cut more or less in the same parameters as this one, and that was Usptairs, Downstairs. This too was a masterpiece of a social study, of the times at the turn between the 19th and early 20th Century. Downton Abbey is a British historical period drama television series set in the early 20th century, created by Julian Fellowes. The series first aired on ITV in the United Kingdom on 26 September 2010, and in the United States on PBS, which supported production of the series as part of its Masterpiece Classic anthology, on 9 January 2011. The series, set in the fictional Yorkshire country. Downton Abbey on brittilinen televisiosarja, jonka on luonut ja ksikirjoittanut Oscarpalkittu Julian Fellowes. Sarjan ensimminen jakso esitettiin IsossaBritanniassa ITV: ll 26. Sarjan kuudes ja viimeinen tuotantokausi pttyi IsossaBritanniassa 25. Downton Abbey is een Britse televisieserie geproduceerd door het Britse mediabedrijf Carnival Films voor het ITVnetwerk. De serie, een kostuumdrama, behandelt standsverschillen in de periode in een groot Engels landhuis, en werd bedacht en voornamelijk geschreven door acteur en schrijver Julian Fellowes. Het eerste seizoen werd voor het eerst in 2010 in Engeland uitgezonden en. modifier Downton Abbey est une srie tlvise britannique, cre par Julian Fellowes et coproduite par Carnival Films et Masterpiece. Elle compte 52 pisodes d'une dure habituelle de 50 minutes, rpartis en 6 saisons. Elle a t diffuse du 26 septembre 2010 au 25 dcembre 2015 sur ITV1 au RoyaumeUni et en Irlande, ainsi qu'au Canada sur VisionTV, et par la suite en. EXPERIENCE THE HISTORY THE FASHION THE HOUSE. Downton Abbey: The Exhibition, based on the beloved television show, transports you to postEdwardian England, where the characters and the iconic house come to life. Youll be immersed in the fascinating social history, culture, and some of the most memorable moments from the shows sixseason run..