Manchester United zosta zaoony w 1878 jako Newton Heath LYR Football Club przez pracownikw wagonowni kolei Lancashire i Yorkshire w Newton Heath. Pocztkowo rozgrywa mecze przeciwko innym wydziaom i przewonikom kolejowym, a w 1888 zosta jednym z zaoycieli The Combination regionalnej ligi pikarskiej. Questa pagina raccoglie i dati riguardanti il Manchester United Football Club nelle competizioni ufficiali della stagione. Manchester United, Newton Heath'te Lancashire ve Yorkshire Demiryolu irketi iileri tarafndan Newton Heath LYR Football Club adyla kurulmutur. Kurulduu gnlerde demiryolu irketleri arasndaki kk malarda sahaya kan takmn kayda geen ilk karlamas Bolton Wanderers rezerv takmna kardr. Bu mata demiryolu irketinin renkleri olan yeil ve. Manchester United fikstr, iddaa malar sonular, Manchester United ma istatistikleri, Manchester United futbolcu kadrosu, Manchester United haberleri, Manchester United transfer haberleri. O Manchester United Football Club um clube ingls, sediado em Trafford, na regio metropolitana de Manchester, sendo um dos times mais populares e mais bem sucedidos da Inglaterra e do mundo. Manchester United o clube de maior sucesso na Inglaterra, tendo ganho 38 ttulos importantes desde que Sir Alex Ferguson tornouse treinador em 6 de novembro de 1986. [2 Sir Alex Ferguson was Manchester United manager from 1986 to 2013. Sir Alex Ferguson no longer needs intensive care after having emergency surgery on Saturday for a brain haemorrhage, Manchester. Manchester United Football Club (van oorsprong Newton Heath LYR FC of afgekort MUFC) is een Engelse voetbalclub uit Manchester. De club is opgericht in 1878 en heeft sinds 1902 de naam Manchester United. De club is de meest succesvolle ploeg uit de geschiedenis van het Engelse voetbal en de meest succesvolle van dit moment met 20 belangrijke bekers sinds Alex Ferguson bij Manchester United. Manchester City Football Club, ngiltere'nin Manchester ehrinde kurulmu futbol kulb. Mark's (West Gorton) ismiyle kurulan kulp, 1887'de Ardwick Association Football Club ve 1894 ylnda da Manchester City ismini almtr. Kulp, 1923 ylndan 2003 ylna kadar i saha malarn Maine Road'da oynamtr. 2003 ylnda ise Manchester ehir. La Liga de Campeones de la UEFA fue la 53. edicin en la historia de la competicin. Se disput entre julio de 2007 y mayo de 2008. La final se jug el da 21 de mayo en el Estadio Olmpico Luzhniki, en Mosc, Rusia. Se enfrentaron dos equipos ingleses, el Manchester United y el Chelsea, con victoria de los primeros en la tanda de penaltis tras un empate a uno. England Manchester United FC Results, fixtures, squad, statistics, photos, videos and news Soccerway Luis Antonio Valencia Ekvador Manchester United malar, transferleri, Luis Antonio Valencia Manchester United ma istatistikleri, Luis Antonio Valencia ile ilgili haberler Actualits Pour la saison en cours, voir: Saison du Manchester United Football Club 0 modifier Le Manchester United Football Club est un club de football anglais bas dans le district de Trafford, proximit de la ville de Manchester, dans son stade d' Old Trafford dans le Grand Manchester. Il est fond en 1878 sous le nom de Newton Heath. Manchester United est l'un des. includes 2009 League Cup Final 00 post 14 on pens as a loss. Manchester United Football Club er en engelsk fotballklubb som spiller i Premier League. Klubben ble stiftet i 1878, under navnet Newton Heath LYR Football Club, og ble valgt inn i The Football League i 1892. I 1902 fikk klubben sitt nvrende navn. The Red Devils, som er kallenavnet til Manchester United, har siden 1910 spilt hjemmekampene sine p Old Trafford i Manchester. The 2008 UEFA Champions League Final was a football match that took place on Wednesday, 21 May 2008, at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow, Russia, to determine the winner of the UEFA Champions League. It was contested by Manchester United and Chelsea, making it an allEnglish club final for the first time in the history of the competition. This was only the third time that two clubs from. Today Manchester United may be a global brand and one of the most successful clubs on the planet, but in the late nineteenth century they were a very unremarkable club indeed. A Manchester United Football Club Anglia egyik leghresebb s legsikeresebb labdargklubja. Hsszoros angol bajnok (Barclays Premier League, rgebben Football League First Division), tizenktszeres kupagyztes (), tszr nyerte meg a Ligakupt, hromszor Eurpa els szm kupasorozatt (BEK, Bajnokok Ligja) s egyszer a KEKet, az Interkontinentlis kupt, az Eurpai. Sky Sports Football has all the latest news, transfers, fixtures, live scores, results, videos, photos, and stats on Manchester United Football Club. The season was Manchester United's 16th season in the Premier League, and their 33rd consecutive season in the top division of English football. The season was regarded as a success; despite the team's slow start in the league, they won their 10th Premier League title (their 17th top division title overall, just one behind Liverpool's then record of 18) and beat Chelsea on penalties. El Manchester United Football Club es un club de ftbol de la ciudad de Mnchester que compite en la liga inglesa Premier League y disputa sus partidos como local en el estadio Old Trafford. Fue fundado en 1878 bajo el nombre de Newton Heath LYR Football Club [2 y se incorpor a la First Division en 1892. [2 [5 Despus de estar cerca de la bancarrota en 1902, J. Il Manchester United nasce con il nome di Newton Heath Football Club nel 1878. La squadra composta dai lavoratori della Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway (Ferrovia del Lancashire e Yorkshire) e gioca le partite contro altri dipartimenti e compagnie ferroviarie. Find out exactly what Manchester United have won over the years! From Busby to Fergie and the Doc somewhere in between..