• Massive Attack est un groupe britannique, originaire de Bristol, prcurseur de la musique trip hop. Il se compose, l'origine, de Robert Del Naja (3D), Grant Marshall (Daddy G) et Andrew Vowles (Mushroom). Le style du groupe est en constante volution: au dbut proche du hiphop, du groove, voire de la soul, il aborde par la suite la musique lectronique, et un son plus lectrique la. Singles de Massive Attack Risingson (1997) Angel (1998) modifier Teardrop est une chanson crite par Massive Attack et publie sur l'album Mezzanine en 1998. Elle est interprte par Elizabeth Fraser des Cocteau Twins. La chanson est devenue un hit du groupe, 10 e du UK Singles Chart. Aux tatsUnis, la chanson est plus connue comme tant l' indicatif musical de la srie mdicale Dr. Would this make your Top 20 Massive Attack songs? Find out here: Listen to more from Massive Massive Attack are a British musical group formed in 1988 in Bristol, United Kingdom, consisting of Robert 3D Del Naja, Grant Daddy G Marshall and formerly Andy Mushroom Vowles (Mush). Their debut album Blue Lines was released in 1991, with the single Unfinished Sympathy reaching the charts and later being voted the 63rd greatest song of all time in a poll by NME. Massive Attacks album Mezzanine is 20 years old. To celebrate, the band is working with scientists to store the album on DNA. Once coded, the bands classic album could last for at least. Super Deluxe Hardback outer case printed with heat sensitive ink. Large format book with exclusive art and photography by Nick Knight and Robert Del Naja. Die Abstimmung des nach dem geschlossenen Prinzip aufgebauten Massive ist rund und satt, mit krftigem, aber flinkem Bass. Die riesigen 50mmTreiber produzieren dabei hohe, verzerrungsfreie Lautstrken ideal fr laute Umgebungen oder DJPerformances. After a long hiatus, Massive Attack returned in 1998 with Mezzanine, a record announcing not only that the group was back, but that they can create a masterpiece as good as their debut. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. I Massive Attack sono un gruppo musicale britannico, formato a Bristol nel 1987 e ritenuto fondatore del genere trip hop. Gli attuali componenti del gruppo sono Robert 3D Del Naja e Grant Daddy G Marshall. Il gruppo nato come sorta di collettivo musicale, poich si sono sempre avvalsi di collaborazioni di diversi artisti, come Sinad O'Connor, Horace Andy, Madonna, Burial, Tricky. Massive Attack angielski zesp muzyczny, wykonujcy muzyk trip hop. Uwaany za najwaniejszego wykonawc tego gatunku. Jeden z bardziej znanych brytyjskich zespow pierwszej poowy lat 90. Przez ponad 10 lat mia trzech staych czonkw oraz wielu wsppracownikw. I Massive Attack saranno a Umbria Jazz il 16 luglio Perugia, Arena Santa Giuliana. I Massive Attack, da sempre innovatori in campo musicale, hanno fondato il genere trip hop e vinto innumerevoli premi durante la loro carriera (i loro album Blue Line e Mezzanine sono stati inseriti da Rolling Stone fra i 500 album pi belli di sempre). Massive Attack is een band uit Bristol, GrootBrittanni, vooral bekend van hits Unfinished Sympathy, Risingson en Teardrop. Hun muziek kent invloeden uit verschillende genres, gaande van triphop jazz, hiphop, elektronische muziek en rock tot reggae en klassieke muziek. Door de media wordt de band gezien als belangrijkste pionier in het triphopgenre. Mezzanine is the third studio album by English electronic music group Massive Attack, released on 20 April 1998 by Circa and Virgin Records. It was produced by the group and Neil Davidge. Musically, Mezzanine sees the group expanding their trip hop sound to electronica stylings, with diverse influences from new wave, rock, hip hop, and dub music. Mezzanine topped the charts in the United Kingdom. Massive Attack uses a variety of vocalists. On this one it was Elizabeth Fraser, whose lyrics were inspired by the death of her onetime close friend, singersongwriter Jeff Buckley. Duo incontournable, Massive Attack est toujours prsent sur le devant de la scne electro rock avec ce son made in Bristol devenu un classique. Massive Attack es una banda formada en la ciudad portuaria de Bristol, como los padres del triphop, pese a que siempre han renegado de esa etiqueta, este estilo puede clasificarse como Rock Experimental, aunque combina elementos del jazz, rap y otros gneros como el soul y el dub contando con una potente influencia de la msica electrnica en sus vertientes ms. Issu de la scne underground de Bristol, Massive Attack a rvolutionn la musique en mlangeant dub, hip hop et rap: un phnomne curieux, mlancolique et fascinant, dont les ventes dpassent les 11 millions de disques. Mezzanine was Massive Attack's third studio album, and the one that got the band international recognition thanks to powerful single releases like Teardrop (with Elizabeth Fraser of the Cocteau. Das Album Mezzanine von Massive Attack gilt als einflussreiches Werk der elektronischen Musik. Als es vor ziemlich genau 20 Jahren erschien, haben die britischen TripHopper sicher nicht. Find Massive Attack bio, music, credits, awards, streaming links on AllMusic A Bristol collective whose combination of dark.