Il gioco, un'espansione di Grand Theft Auto, ambientato a Londra nell'anno 1969. Il giocatore interpreta ancora il ruolo di un criminale agli inizi che, per guadagnare soldi e farsi una reputazione all'interno della citt, dovr portare a compimento le missioni che gli saranno assegnate dai diversi capi. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is an actionadventure video game series created by David Jones and Mike Dailly; the later titles of which were created by brothers Dan and Sam Houser, Leslie Benzies and Aaron Garbut. It is primarily developed by Rockstar North (formerly DMA Design), and published by Rockstar Games. The name of the series references the term used in the US for motor vehicle theft. LEFT FOR DEAD IN THE WORST PLACE IN AMERICA Following his father's murder, Huang Lee has a simple mission: deliver an ancient sword to his Uncle Kenny to ensure his family retains control of the Triad gangs of Liberty City. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is an actionadventure video game developed by Rockstar Leeds in conjunction with Rockstar North and published by Rockstar Games. It was released on 17 March 2009 for Nintendo DS, 20 October 2009 for PlayStation Portable, 17 January 2010 (iPhone and iPod Touch), 9 September 2010 on iOS, and 18 December 2014 for Android and Fire OS devices. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) is a longrunning series of video games, published by Rockstar Games and developed by subsidiary companies. The games are primarily developed by Rockstar North (formerly DMA Design). There are currently sixteen games in the series, plus two expansion packs for the original and two expansions for GTA IV and including a multiplayer title. The critically acclaimed Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars is now available for the newest addition to the Apple family, with Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars HD for the Apple iPad, available now from the App Store for 9. iGrandTheftAuto aims to become the ultimate resource for everything Grand Theft Auto. With thousands of images, hundreds of guides, numerous videos and downloads, and over 50, 000 members not to mention a constantly updating stream of news articles iGrandTheftAuto. com is the place to be if you're a fan of the Grand Theft Auto series. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars przygodowa gra akcji wydana przez Rockstar Games na platformy Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, iOS i Android w 2009 roku. Akcja gry toczy si w roku 2009 w miecie Liberty City znanym z Grand Theft Auto IV, bez jednej dzielnicy Alderney. Miasto nie jest wprost identyczne z tym w Grand Theft Auto IV, rni si kilkoma drobiazgami. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) je akcijski serijal videoigara koji je osmislio David Jones, a kasnije igre su dizajnirali Dan Houser i Sam Houser, te Zachary Clarke. Proizvoa igre je Rockstar North, prije zvani DMA Design, dok je izdava Rockstar Games. Igra sadri mjeavinu akcijskih, avanturistikih i trkaih igara, te elemente tzv. Grand Theft Auto (GTA) uma srie de jogos de computador e videogames criada por David Jones e Mike Dailly, sendo posteriormente gerenciada pelos irmos Dan e Sam Houser, Leslie Benzies e Aaron Garbut. A maioria dos jogos foi desenvolvida pela Rockstar North (antiga DMA Design) e publicada pela Rockstar Games. O nome da srie um termo policial utilizado nos Estados Unidos para. Grand Theft Auto; Serie principale: Grand Theft Auto (London 1969) Grand Theft Auto II Grand Theft Auto III Vice City San Andreas Grand Theft Auto IV (Episodes from Liberty City Lost and Damned Ballad of Gay Tony) Grand Theft Auto V: Spinoff: Liberty City Stories Vice City Stories Chinatown Wars Grand Theft Auto Advance. The sprawling crime epic that changed openworld games forever. Rockstar Games celebrates the 10th anniversary of one of the most influential games of all time. The critically acclaimed blockbuster Grand Theft Auto III comes to mobile devices, bringing to life the dark and seedy underworld of Liberty City. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas is a Rockstar Northdeveloped video game, and is the seventh title in the Grand Theft Auto series. It is the sequel to Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and the prequel to Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto III. It was released on the same date as Grand Theft Auto Advance. GTA San Andreas is set in the fictional state of San Andreas. Grand Theft Auto 3 (GTA III olarak ksaltlr) DMA Design (imdi ise Rockstar North) tasarlanlarak, Rockstar Games tarafndan piyasaya karlan serinin nc oyunudur. Oyun, PlayStation 2 konsollar iin 22 Ekim 2001'de, PC iin 2 Mays 2002'de, Xbox iin 21 Ekim 2003'te ve 12 Kasm 2010'da da Mac OS X platformlar iin sata sunulmutur. La jouabilit de Grand Theft Auto est varie, le jeu mlange actionaventure et conduite, et parfois des lments de jeu de rle. La srie est controverse, car elle touche des thmes sensibles, comme la violence. Chaque jeu permet en effet d'incarner un criminel, voluant dans une mtropole, ou mme parfois un tat. Grand Theft Auto, resmi ksaltmas ile GTA, oyun programcs David Jones ve Mike Dailly, Dan ve Sam Houser kardeler ile oyun tasarmcs Zachary Clarke tarafndan yaratlan video oyunu serisidir. lk olarak Rockstar North (eski adyla DMA Design) tarafndan Birleik Krallkda gelitirilmi ve Rockstar Games tarafndan yaymlanmtr. Grand Theft Auto: London 1969 to wydany w roku 1999 roku dodatek do Grand Theft Auto. Akcja rozgrywa si w Londynie w roku 1969. Dla graczy przygotowano cztery plansze. Dostpne rodzaje broni to: pistolet, karabin maszynowy, bazooka, miotacz ognia oraz czog. Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars est un jeu vido d'action dvelopp par Rockstar Leeds avec le concours de Rockstar North [1. dit par Rockstar Games, le jeu est sorti le 17 mars 2009 en Amrique du Nord et le 20 mars 2009 en Europe. Il sagit du treizime pisode des Grand Theft Auto, et du premier opus tactile de la srie, sortant notamment sur Nintendo DS, iPhone, iPod Touch et.