One Direction (puhekieless 1D) on poikabndi, joka tuli tunnetuksi sijoituttuaan Britannian X Factorissa vuonna 2010 kolmannelle sijalle. Kilpailun jlkeen yhtye solmi levytyssopimuksen Simon Cowellin levyyhtin Syco Musicin kanssa, ja myhemmin Columbia Recordsin kanssa. Yhtyeen nykyiset jsenet ovat Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles ja Louis. One Direction (vaak afgekort als 1D) is een boyband uit het Verenigd Koninkrijk en Ierland, bestaande uit Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles en Louis Tomlinson. Tot 25 maart 2015 was ook Zayn Malik lid van de band. Ze eindigden in 2010 als derde in het Britse The X Factor. De band onderbrak in maart 2016 voor onbepaalde tijd hun carrire. (: One Direction) 2010 What Makes You Beautiful One Thing. Vienna Woods Swim and Tennis Club, founded in 1959, is an outdoor swim and tennis facility located on six acres in southwest Vienna. The pool facility, with an entrance at Harmony and Plum streets, SW, consists of a 50M pool and large baby pool. One Direction er et britiskirsk boyband som bestr af medlemmerne Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson og tidligere Zayn Malik. De skrev kontrakt med Simon Cowells pladeselskab Syco Records, efter at vre blevet dannet og endte p en tredjeplads i 7. sson af den britiske tvserie The X Factor. De skrev senere kontrakt med nordamerikanske Columbia Records. Rok Nominacja Kategoria Rezultat 2012 What Makes You Beautiful Best British Single Wygrana: 2013 One Direction BRITs Global Success 2014 Best Song Ever British Video One Direction Unlimited free One Direction music Click to play What Makes You Beautiful, Story Of My Life and whatever else you want! One Direction is a BritishIrish boyband, consisting of members Zayn Malik, Niall Horan, Harry Style One Direction en octubre de 2015. De izquierda a derecha: Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles. I have heard the following from a bunch of people, one of whom was me six months ago: I keep on reading all these posts by really smart people who identify as Reactionaries, and I. One Direction's official music video for One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks). Stream more music from One Direction here: More f (: One Direction, ) e. The Beautiful You Life Coaching Course is for people just like you people who want to make a difference, see others grow and shine, work with people they love and feel connected to and yes create their own business and a life they love. Guys, really, you are both wrong here. At first, author is not a bad person its just a form of expression of his point of view. At second, wishing a cancer is not good at all. A One Direction egy britr pop fi egyttes, londoni szkhellyel melynek tagjai: Niall James Horan, Liam James Payne, Harry Edward Styles s Louis William Tomlinson. mrcius 25n jelentettk be hivatalos kzlemnyben, hogy Zayn Malik kilp az egyttesbl. Az egyttes lemezszerzdst rt al Simon Cowell Syco Records lemezcgvel. One Direction a participat la Premiile BRIT 2012, unde piesa What Makes You Beautiful a ctigat premiul pentru Cel mai bun single britanic. n aprilie 2012 o formaie din SUA cu acelai nume a intentat un proces pentru nclcarea drepturilor de autor. Potrivit acestuia, formaia american a folosit numele de One Direction nc din 2009, a nregistrat dou albume i a. I really do adore music in all of its forms be it rb, hip hop, classical, pop, jazz, spoken word set to rhythms and much more. I first was introduced to One Direction, through the video for What Makes You Beautiful. One Direction are an EnglishIrish pop boy band based in London, composed of Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, and, until his departure from the band in March 2015, Zayn Malik. The group signed with Simon Cowell's record label Syco Records after forming and finishing third in the seventh series of the British televised singing competition The X Factor in 2010. One Direction tampil di Glasgow dalam On the Road Again Tour, Oktober 2015. Dari kiri ke kanan: Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan, Liam Payne dan Harry Styles Get our albums here: WE'RE ON TOUR! DOWNLOAD THIS SONG: GET Lyrics to What Makes You Beautiful song by One Direction: You're insecure, Don't know what for, You're turning heads when you walk through the door, Don't nee.