• photo taken by Terry Richardson for Rolling Stone Magazine Rihanna MultiPlatinum Grammy Award Winning Music Artist. Rihanna was born Robyn Rihanna Fenty on February 20, 1988 to a BarbadianIrish father (Ronald Fenty) and a Guyanese mother (Monica Braithwaite) in the Parish of St. Shakira Msica de Shakira Escuchar Msica Romntica Msica Romntica Online Gratis Antologa, Can't Remember to Forget You (feat. Rihanna), Pies Descalzos, Sueos Blancos, Dnde Ests Corazn? , Nunca Me Acuerdo de Olvidarte Questa pagina riguarda la discografia di Rihanna, cantante pop barbadiana, composta da otto album in studio, due raccolte, 2 album di remix, 58 singoli (inclusi singoli da solista, da ospite, promozionali e di carit) e 48 video. Rihanna in tutta la sua carriera ha venduto oltre 250 milioni di dischi, tra album (50 milioni) e singoli (200, di cui 100 solo negli USA), risultando una delle. Barbadian singer Rihanna has released four video albums and appeared in fiftytwo music videos, six films, ten television programs, and eight television commercials. In 2005, Rihanna signed a recording contract with Def Jam Recordings and released her debut single Pon de Replay, taken from her first studio album Music of the Sun (2005). Like its lyrical theme, the music video for the song. Rihanna Can't Remember To Forget You [PMV on Pornhub. com, the best hardcore porn site. Pornhub is home to the widest selection of free Hardcore sex videos full of the hottest pornstars. If you're craving pmv XXX movies you'll find them here. Letra e msica de Umbrella (feat. Jay Z) de Rihanna When the sun shines, we'll shine together Told you I'll be here forever Said I'll always be your friend Took an oath I'mma stick it out 'till the end Rihanna, de son nom entier Robyn Rihanna Fenty, ne le 20 fvrier 1988 Saint Michael, est une chanteuse, parolire, actrice, designer et mannequin barbadienne. Rihanna compte au total huit albums studios et deux albums de remixes. Son premier album, Music of the Sun (2005), est orient dancehall, reggae et pop, et son deuxime album, A Girl like Me (2006), est plus influenc par le RnB. Watch Ultimate Rihanna Porn Music Video (PMV) with Lavish Styles on Pornhub. com, the best hardcore porn site. Pornhub is home to the widest selection of free Big Tits sex videos full of the hottest pornstars. If you're craving big tits XXX movies you'll find them here. Robyn Rihanna Fenty was born in a parish in Barbados called St. Michael, to Monica (Braithwaite), an accountant, and Ronald Fenty, a warehouse supervisor. Rihanna, pseudonimo di Robyn Rihanna Fenty (pronuncia [rin; Saint Michael, 20 febbraio 1988), una cantante, attrice e modella barbadiana, prima artista della sua nazione a vincere un Grammy Award. Si trasferita negli Stati Uniti d'America all'et di 16 anni grazie a un contratto discografico, sotto la guida di Evan Rogers. Ha debuttato nel 2005 all'et di 17 anni con l'album. La discografa de Rihanna, cantante y compositora barbadense de gneros RB y pop, se conforma de ocho lbumes de estudio, [1 dos de remezclas, uno recopilatorio, cuarenta sencillos de las cuales tres fueron publicadas independientemente para caridad y doce colaboraciones. [nota 1 [1 El sello Def Jam Recordings, que distribuy su material discogrfico entre 2005 y 2014, [1. Robyn Rihanna Fenty (born 20 February 1988) is a Barbadianborn singer, songwriter, actress, and businesswoman. Born in Saint Michael, Barbados, and raised in Bridgetown, during 2003, she recorded demo tapes under the direction of record producer Evan Rogers and signed a recording contract with Def Jam Recordings after auditioning for its thenpresident, hip hop producer and rapper JayZ. Robyn Rihanna Fenty naci el 20 de febrero de 1988, en Saint Michael, Barbados. [27 Su madre, Monica Braithwaite, es una contadora pblica retirada. Mientras que Ronald Fenty, su padre, es un supervisor de almacenes con ascendencia barbadense e irlandesa. Category Music; Song CAN T REMEMBER TO FORGET YOU; Licensed to YouTube by ASCAP, SOLAR Music Rights Management, UMPI, Sony ATV Publishing, UBEM, UMPG Publishing, EMI Music Publishing, Kobalt Music. Find out about new music, videos, tour dates and more. Subscribe Check out Umbrella [feat. JAYZ by Rihanna on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. IFPI er musikselskabernes brancheorganisation. Vores fornemste opgave er at sikre de bedst mulige forretningsvilkr for danske musikselskaber. Check out Can't Remember to Forget You by Shakira feat. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Get Rihannas eighth studio album ANTI now: Download on TIDAL: Stream on TIDAL: Download on. View Rihanna song lyrics by popularity along with songs featured in, albums, videos and song meanings. We have 16 albums and 365 song lyrics in our database. Escuchar musica de los cantantes los mas escuchandos como Alejandro Fernandez, Musica de la oreja de Van Gogh, hanna videoclips, videos musicales, Escuchar canciones. Rihanna urodzia si jako Robyn Rihanna Fenty 20 lutego 1988 roku w Saint Michael, na Barbadosie, jako crka Moniki Braithwaite, ksigowej, i Ronalda Fenty, kierownika magazynu w fabryce odziey. Jej matka z pochodzenia jest Gujank a ojciec ma korzenie barbadoskie i irlandzkie. Pastwo Monika i Ronald Fenty maj razem troje dzieci: najstarsz Robyn Rihann oraz Rorreya i Rajada Fenty. The American Music Awards is an annual awards ceremony created by Dick Clark in 1973. Rihanna has received twelve awards from twenty five nominations. At the 2013 ceremony, Rihanna was honored with the firstever Icon Award, an award that honors an artist whose body of work has made a profound influence over pop music on a global level..