The theory behind the project started off when bguerville was looking through some of the webkit source code (for unrelated research) and stumbled on a discovery and a discussion here on the psxplace forums was formed with theories on how the PS3 could be attacked with his findings. As time passed the team formed and an idea became a fullfledged project in development, A request came. After experience with PS4 start converting PS3 to same templated system euss Started adding Homebrew to the wiki. MAX010 (Multi max shooter for PS3PS4XBOX360XBOX ONE) PS4Portal can proud to represent you our latest release of PS3 4. Our team work on this Jailbreak just after official update has released. To find out additional details regarding the Settlement, please read the Long Form Class Notice The latest firmware includes security improvements as well as bug fixes. For full details and to check if your camera(s) is affected, please click here. PlayStation 3 Secrets The purpose of this webpage is to provide information (a majority are secret or are hard to find) on the PS3. If you think you know all there is to know about the PS3, read the following and you might learn a thing or two that you didn't know before. Thought i update my Odd Comment i Ripped my Dragon Age and Dragon Age 2 Games Using Multiman and Irismanager both Diferent Isos Created By Me It Webman Sees Dragon Age but wont see Dragon Age 2 at all. Simple Iso Mounter Sees it and plays it fine am using a Toshiba 2TBHDD Formated to NTFS dont understand why its doing it with Dragon Age 2 Only Maybe it has something to do with. There's a new software update out for PlayStation 4, and before we tell you what it does, do you fancy taking a guess? A new system software update is now available for your PlayStation 4, and it's one with a bit of an odd name 5. The update is just under 70MB, so it's only a small download, and it. 82 CFW for free on our website, all you need is a USB. This PS3 jailbreak is fully working on 4. Not so long ago, Sony released Firmware 4. 80 which was an yet another stability update. Rebug CFW is back as well with a few new features. 3 payload isnt missing An update to the PlayStation4 system software was released on September 13, 2018. Use this update to install system software version 6. Always update your PS4 system to the latest version of the system software. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. PlayStation3 It seems like only this morning we were talking about how Switch system update could be around the corner, and less than 24 hours later here we are very much in the land of fiveohoh. Switch location of [game data between internal HDD and first external USB HDD, install PSN games (or any applicationpkg) to external USB HDD saving space on internal HDD. PSPPSPPS Vita Update (April 16) for DEX user's REBUG (see update below) We seen the release of 4. 82 REBUG LITE (A CEX CFW) released but without the emergence of a 4. 82 DEX Firmware in the public hands, we had to wait for a REBUG REX (a hybrid of CEXDEX) release on 4. The wait is now over as the team has obtained a 4. 82 DEX PUP and have the CFW ready to go. 81 was released more than a year ago by Sony, and most of us expected it to be the last firmware ever for the PS3. But a few hours ago, Sony released firmware 4. 82, and this does not feel like a coincidence. La PlayStation 3 (abrg officiellement PS3) est une console de jeux vido de septime gnration commercialise par Sony. Elle est sortie le 11 novembre 2006 au Japon, le 17 novembre 2006 en Amrique du Nord et le 23 mars 2007 en Europe. Elle succde la PlayStation 2 (qui avait ellemme succd la PlayStation), et concurrence la Xbox 360, et, indirectement la Wii..