• Selena Marie Gomez ( 22. jl 1992, Grand Prairie, Texas, Spojen tty) je americk spevka a hereka. Svoju hereck kariru zaala v detskom serili Barney a priatelia (Barney and friends). V roku 2007 bola obsaden do serilu stanice Disney Channel, Kzelnci z Waverly (Wizards of Waverly Place), kde stvrnila rolu Alex Russoovej a do ukonenia serilu v roku 2012. 22 lipca 1992 w Grand Prairie) amerykaska piosenkarka, aktorka a take producentka filmowa. Zasyna rol Alex Russo w wyrnionym nagrod Emmy serialu Czarodzieje z Waverly Place. Od tego czasu Gomez wystpia w szeregu filmw telewizyjnych, wczajc w to Kopciuszek: Roztaczona historia, Czarodzieje z Waverly Place: Film i Program ochrony. Lyrics to Love You Like A Love Song song by Selena Gomez The Scene: It's been said and done Every beautiful thought's been already sung And I guess right now here's ano When the Sun Goes Down is the third and final studio album by American band Selena Gomez the Scene, released on June 21, 2011, by Hollywood Records. The band worked with several artists on this album, including writers and producers from their debut, Kiss Tell (2009), and their second album, A Year Without Rain (2010), such as Rock Mafia's Tim James and Antonina Armato, as well as Katy. Selena Marie Gomez (Grand Prairie, Texas, 22 juli 1992), beter bekend als Selena Gomez, is een Amerikaans actrice, zangeres en modeontwerpster. Ze is bekend geworden door haar rol als Alex Russo in de Disneysitcom Wizards of Waverly Place. Gomez speelt ook in vele films en heeft gastrollen in veel tvseries. Naast acteren heeft Gomez ook meerdere albums opgenomen met haar band, Selena Gomez. Horoscope and natal chart of Selena Gomez, born on: you will find in this page an excerpt of the astrological portrait and the interpration of the planetary dominants. Selena Gomez is a singer and actress. She was born on July 22, 1992 to a teen mom, Mandy Teefey, and dad, Ricardo Gomez, in Texas and named after the singer Selena Quintanilla. Selena Gomez The Scene's When The Sun Goes Down (Deluxe Edition) Proves To Be Their Strongest Material. Featuring The Inspirational Single Who Says In English and In Spanish (Dices) and Two Remixes courtesy Of Bimbo Jones and Dave Aude. Selena Gomez je roena u Dallasu, u amerikoj saveznoj dravi Teksas. Ona je ki talijanske glumice Amande Dawn Teefey i meksikanca Ricarda Joela Gomeza. Juli 1992 in Grand Prairie, Texas) ist eine USamerikanische Schauspielerin, Sngerin und Filmproduzentin. Gomez Karriere begann mit einer Rolle in der Fernsehserie Barney und seine Freunde im Jahr 2002. Ihr Durchbruch gelang ihr mit der DisneyChannelSerie Die Zauberer vom Waverly Place, in der sie die Rolle der Protagonistin Alex Russo spielte. Justin Bieber Tattoo Count: 59! Heres the list Check out our comprehensive Justin Bieber tattoo guide, with descriptions, meanings, and tons of pics for each tattoo! Canadian singersongwriter Justin Bieber has become one of the most popular and wildly successful young popRB stars in Canada, the United States and around the world. O maior, melhor e mais completo fsite sobre Selena Gomez em todo o mundo. Selena Marie Gomez naci el 22 de julio de 1992 en Grand Prairie, Texas, Estados Unidos. [5 Es la primera hija del mexicano Ricardo Joel Gmez y la antigua actriz de teatro estadounidense Mandy Teefey, quien dio a luz a Gmez a sus diecisis aos. [36 [37 [38 Gmez recibi su nombre debido a la cantante texana Selena, de quien sus padres eran admiradores. [39 Ehhez a szcikkhez tovbbi forrsmegjells szksges az ellenrizhetsg rdekben. Emiatt nem tudjuk kzvetlenl ellenrizni, hogy a szcikkben szerepl lltsok helytllake. Segts a szcikk fejlesztsben tovbbi megbzhat forrsok hozzadsval. Biografia e carreira 1992 1999: Nascimento e infncia. Selena Gomez filha nica de Ricardo Joel Gomez e Amanda Mandy Cornett, uma atriz de teatro antigo, que tinha 16 anos quando deu luz Selena Gomez. Selena Marie Gomez (born July 22, 1992) is an American singer, actress, and producer. After appearing on the children's television series Barney Friends, she received wider recognition for her portrayal of Alex Russo on the Disney Channel television series Wizards of Waverly Place, which aired for four seasons from 2007 until 2012. With her former band Selena Gomez the Scene, she attained. Selena Marie Gomes (Selena Marie Gomez; gim 1992 m. ) amerikiei aktor, popmuzikos atlikja. Ipopuliarjo garsindama Alex Russo, Emmy apdovanojim gavusiame Disney kanalo seriale Vaverlio burtininkai (Wizards of Waverly Place). Pirmieji jos debiutai buvo: Another Cinderella Story, Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie. Selena Gomez nata a Grand Prairie, Texas. Suo padre si chiama Ricardo Joel Gomez ed messicano, mentre sua madre, Mandy Dawn Cornett, che fu adottata e risulta avere qualche grado di ascendenza italiana, un'ex attrice di teatro; aveva solo sedici anni quando partor Selena. Il nome Selena stato scelto da suo padre in onore della cantante latinoamericana Selena Quintanilla. Selena Gomez, ne le 22 juillet 1992 Grand Prairie (), est une chanteuse, actrice et productrice amricaine. Elle fait ses dbuts de comdienne dans la srie pour enfants Barney Friends ( ), puis se fait connatre du jeune public en interprtant le rle d'Alex Russo dans la srie humoristique de Disney Channel, Les Sorciers de Waverly Place ( ). Description: Selena Gomez (born: Selena Marie Gomez on July 22, 1992 in Grand Prairie, Texas) is an American singer and actress. Born and raised in Grand Prairie, Texas she of mostly Latino and Irish (Catholic ) heritage, she was first featured on the children's series Barney Friends in the early 2000s. 22 Temmuz 1992, Grand Prairie, Teksas), Amerikal oyuncu ve arkc. En iyi bilinen rol Emmy dll Waverly Bycleri adl Disney Channel dizisindeki Alex Russo (Alexis Margaritta Russo) karakteridir. Sonradan Selena, Another Cinderella Story, Waverly Bycleri: Film ve Prenses Koruma Program gibi filmlerde de rol ald. When Selena The Scene first came out with Kiss Tell (their first album), I loved it but after a while I Got U was the only song that really stuck with me..