• Britney Jean Spears (s. joulukuuta 1981 McComb, Mississippi) on yhdysvaltalainen laulaja, tanssija ja nyttelij. Spearsin levyj on myyty yli 150 miljoonaa kappaletta, mik tekee hnest yhden kaikkien aikojen myydyimmist artisteista maailmassa. Britney Spears nata a McComb ed cresciuta a Kentwood, in Louisiana. la primogenita di Jamie Parnell Spears e Lynne Irene Bridges, e sorella di Bryan Spears e Jamie Lynn Spears. All'et di tre anni inizi a seguire lezioni di danza a Kentwood, e venne selezionata per la recita dell'asilo. It is a little known fact, that Ms Spears is an expert in semiconductor physics. Not content with just singing and acting, in the following pages, she will guide you in the fundamentals of the vital semiconductor laser components that have made it possible to hear her super music in a digital format. Spears wurde 1981 in McComb in Mississippi als Tochter von Lynne Irene und James Parnell Spears geboren; sie wuchs in Kentwood auf. Ihre Gromutter mtterlicherseits, Lillian Portell, stammt aus London. Spears hat einen lteren Bruder und eine jngere Schwester, Jamie Lynn. January 1, 2018 Britney Spears give the first televised music performance of 2018 on Dick Clark's Rockin' New Year View the Original Image Tweet with a location. You can add location information to your Tweets, such as your city or precise location, from the web and via thirdparty applications. Circus is the sixth studio album by American singer Britney Spears. It was released on November 28, 2008 through Jive Records. Looking to transition from her darker and more urban fifth studio album Blackout (2007), Spears wanted to make her next project a little bit lighter. Spears recorded the record during the summer of 2008, after her muchpublicized personal struggles saw her placement. Where Britney Spears's first two albums hewed to the early'60s formula of one strong single plus a stack of fillera fair bit of which ended up on the radio anywayher third justifies itself as a fulllength listen. 2 grudnia 1981 w McComb) amerykaska piosenkarka muzyki pop i dance, tancerka, dziaajca w przemyle rozrywkowym od 1992, uznawana za ikon kultury masowej schyku XX wieku, a take muzyki pop. Nazywana Ksiniczk Popu ze wzgldu na due sukcesy muzyczne. Jest zaliczana do grona artystw z najwiksz liczb sprzedanych wydawnictw muzycznych w. Britney Spears is an American recording artist and entertainer who transitioned from teen pop idol to one of the most successful adult pop stars of the 21st century. View Britney Spears song lyrics by popularity along with songs featured in, albums, videos and song meanings. We have 19 albums and 426 song lyrics in our database. Get official Britney Spears merchandise including tshirts, tanks, hoodies, accessories, Prerogative fragrances, and more. Please comment, rate, and subscribe: ) I am getting FLOODS of messages. The home of the hottest celebrities on the net. Britney Spears' Heart to Heart [Britney Spears on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. American singing sensation Britney Spears and her mom talk about life, love, fame, and following your dreams. Britney Spears makes success look simple. 1m Followers, 95 Following, 2, 108 Posts See Instagram photos and videos from Britney Spears (@britneyspears) An era in Britney Spears legacy ended with a lively New Years Eve performance on Sunday night. The pop star rang in the new year with her final Las Vegas residency show on New Years. Britney Spears was born on December 2, 1981, in McComb, Mississippi. She starred in The AllNew Mickey Mouse Club at age 11, and began a highly successful career as a pop. BRITNEY SPEARS IN CONCERT: Critics have hailed global superstar and multiplatinum artist Britney Spears' spectacular Las Vegas residency show Piece of Me at The AXIS at Planet Hollywood as one of the best productions to hit the strip in years. Britney Spears est ne le 2 dcembre 1981 Kentwood, en Louisiane. Enfant, elle pratique la danse et la gymnastique. Le dimanche, elle chante dans la chorale de l'glise baptiste de sa ville. It makes me it's kinda like bittersweet coming here because I used to live here for two years. American singer Britney Spears has released nine studio albums, seven compilation albums, 42 singles, nine promotional singles, and has made three guest appearances. In 1997, Spears signed a recording contract with American record label Jive Records in order to launch her career. Spears made her chart debut in November 1998 with Baby One More Time, which was followed by the release. Popstar Britney Jean Spears was born on December 2, 1981 in McComb, MS to mom Lynne and dad Jamie Spears. She was raised in Kentwood, LA. Spears has an older brother, Bryan, and a. En fvrier 2001, Britney signe un contrat promotionnel de 10 millions de dollars avec PepsiCola et publie un autre livre cocrit avec sa mre intitul A Mothers Gift [15. Bien dcide ne pas rester sur le succs en demiteinte de Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know, Britney Spears prpare son troisime album, intitul Britney, sorti le 6 novembre 2001..