The city of Rio de Janeiro hosted the Games of the XXXI Olympiad. This followed three rounds of voting by members of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on 2 October 2009 at the 121st IOC Session, in Copenhagen, Denmark. The 2014 FIFA World Cup was the 20th FIFA World Cup, the quadrennial world championship for men's national football teams organized by FIFA. It took place in Brazil from 12 June to 13 July 2014, after the country was awarded the hosting rights in 2007. It was the second time that Brazil staged the competition, the first being in 1950, and the fifth time that it was held in South America. It's a jungle out there for Blu, Jewel and their three kids after they're hurtled from Rio de Janeiro to the wilds of the Amazon. As Blu tries to fit in, he goes beakto. Durango, Colorado was founded by the Denver Rio Grande Railway in 1879. The railroad arrived in Durango on August 5, 1881 and construction on the line to Silverton began in the fall of the same year. Yearly box office results for 2014. # 1100# # # # # # # Note: RELEASE DATE shows all movies that opened in a given. RIO returns in RIO 2 joined by a new flock of top actors and musical talent. More Music, more Laughs, more fun! On Bluray Combo, DVD Digital HD Visit NBCOlympics. com for Winter Olympics live streams, highlights, schedules, results, news, athlete bios and more from PyeongChang 2018. Copa do Mundo FIFA de 2014 (tambm denominado Campeonato do Mundo (portugus europeu)) [2 foi a vigsima edio deste evento esportivo, um torneio internacional de futebol masculino organizado pela Federao Internacional de Futebol (FIFA), que ocorreu no Brasil, anfitrio da competio pela segunda vez. Com doze cidadessede, o campeonato comeou a ser disputado no dia 12 de junho. The entire cast of the animated smash RIO returns in RIO 2, and they are joined by a new flock of top actors and musical talents. Rich with grandeur, character, color and music, RIO 2 finds Jewel (Anne Hathaway), Blu (Jesse Eisenberg) and their three kids leaving their domesticated life in that magical city for a journey to the Amazon. With Daro Grandinetti, Mara Marull, Mnica Villa, Diego Starosta. Six short stories that explore the extremities of human behavior involving people in distress. Transformers: Age of Extinction grossed more than 1. 1 billion, becoming the 20th highestgrossing film of all time. The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies grossed more than 956 million, becoming the 36th highestgrossing film of all time. Big Hero 6 grossed more than 657 million, becoming the highestgrossing animated film of 2014 and the 21st highestgrossing animated film of all time. Het FIFA wereldkampioenschap voetbal 2014 was de 20ste editie van een internationale voetbalwedstrijd tussen de nationale mannenteams van landen die aangesloten zijn bij de FIFA. Het evenement vond plaats in Brazili van 12 juni tot en met 13 juli. De finale was in het Maracanstadion in Rio de Janeiro. Het wereldkampioenschap werd voor de twintigste keer georganiseerd. Your official Guide to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Book Rio Hotel Accommodations, Rio Carnival Tickets and Tours. Explore Rio de Janeiro Attractions. New 2014 Top 500 world university rankings conducted by CWCU of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (Academic Ranking of World Universities). Captain America: The Winter Soldier summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links. 2014 negli altri calendari Calendario gregoriano: 2014 Ab Urbe condita: 2767 (MMDCCLXVII) Calendario armeno: 1462 1463 Calendario bengalese: 1420 1421 Die sdamerikanische FuballKonfderation CONMEBOL hatte sich auf Brasilien als einzigen Bewerber um die WM 2014 verstndigt, u. weil in diesem Jahr der brasilianische Fuballverband Confederao Brasileira de Futebol (CBF) sein 100jhriges Bestehen feierte. Zwar erklrte im Dezember 2006 zunchst auch Kolumbien seine Absicht, eine Bewerbung abzugeben, zog sie aber am 11. XX Mistrzostwa wiata w Pice Nonej rozgrywane byy od 12 czerwca do 13 lipca 2014 roku w Brazylii. Mistrzem wiata po raz czwarty w swojej historii zostay Niemcy, ktre pokonay po dogrywce Argentyn, jednoczenie zostajc pierwsz w historii europejsk druyn, ktra triumfowaa w mistrzostwach organizowanych na kontynencie amerykaskim. 2014 fue un ao normal comenzado en mircoles, segn el calendario gregoriano. Fue tambin el nmero 2014 del anno Domini, Era comn o la designacin de era cristiana, adems del decimocuarto del tercer milenio y el quinto de la dcada del 2010. De acuerdo con el zodiaco chino, fue el ao del caballo y del elemento madera. Las Naciones Unidas declararon 2014 como Ao Internacional. piso salarial do estado do rio de janeiro 2018: lei n 7. 898 de 07 de maro de 2018 institui pisos salariais no mbito do estado do rio de janeiro para as categorias profissionais que menciona, e estabelece outras providncias. Room 304 Rio Grande City, TX Phone. A cidadesede dos Jogos Olmpicos e Paralmpicos de Vero de 2016 foi escolhida em 2 de outubro de 2009, em Copenhague, na Dinamarca, em votao durante a 121 Sesso do Comit Olmpico Internacional. Aps as eliminaes de Chicago e Tquio, Madri e Rio de Janeiro chegaram final, sendo que a vencedora foi eleita por maioria dos votos. Joven cay de la motocicleta y sufri importantes heridas. El accidente se produjo a las 13: 40 aproximadamente en colectora de Ruta 38, a la altura del cementerio Recoleta..