[b i was a girl with flowers in my hair. trident video accelerator cyberblade xp treiber. En fvrier 2001, Britney signe un contrat promotionnel de 10 millions de dollars avec PepsiCola et publie un autre livre cocrit avec sa mre intitul A Mothers Gift [15. Bien dcide ne pas rester sur le succs en demiteinte de Don't Let Me Be the Last to Know, Britney Spears prpare son troisime album, intitul Britney, sorti le 6 novembre 2001. Britney Spears presents two new versions of her best selling and most popular fragrance Fantasy from 2005 The Naughty Remix and The Nice Remix. These flankers are coming out at the beginning of February 2014. The Naughty Remix is made for moments when you feel a bit dangerous and daring, while The Nice Remix is in touch with your softer side. 00 statement credit after first Amazon. com purchase made with new Discover it card within 3 months. Apply now Diese Diskografie ist eine bersicht ber die musikalischen Werke der USamerikanischen Popsngerin Britney Spears. Den Quellenangaben zufolge hat sie in ihrer Karriere mehr als 102, 4 Millionen Tontrger verkauft, damit zhlt sie zu den Interpreten mit den meisten verkauften Tontrgern weltweit. Alleine in Deutschland verkaufte sie bis heute ber 5, 3 Millionen Tontrger und ist somit. Britney Spears (born December 2, 1981) is an American Singer and Actress. Born in McComb, Mississippi, and raised in Kentwood, Louisiana, she performed acting roles in stage productions and television shows as a child before signing with Jive Records in 1997. Fantasy is the second fragrance by Britney Spears, and was launched in 2005. This is a love potion locked up in an attractive bottle adorned with Swarovski crystals. Fantasy is a sensual and gourmand scent. It opens with fruity mix of litchi, golden quince and kiwi. Music, Film, TV and Political News Coverage Britney Spears website. January 19, 2017 Britney wins Favorite Female Artist, Favorite Pop Artist, Favorite Social Media Celebrity and Favorite Comedic Collaboration at the Peoples Choice Awards View the Original Image Britney est le troisime album studio de la chanteuse pop Britney Spears, il s'est vendu 15 millions d'exemplaires travers le monde [1 American singer Britney Spears has released nine studio albums, seven compilation albums, 42 singles, nine promotional singles, and has made three guest appearances. In 1997, Spears signed a recording contract with American record label Jive Records in order to launch her career. Spears made her chart debut in November 1998 with Baby One More Time, which was followed by the release. Rihanna, waciwie Robyn Rihanna Fenty (ur. 20 lutego 1988 w Saint Michael) barbadoska piosenkarka RB i pop, modelka, aktorka, autorka tekstw, projektantka mody i businesswoman. Oba jej pierwsze albumy Music of the Sun (2005) oraz A Girl Like Me (2006) uplasoway si w Top 10 magazynu Billboard. Z tych albumw duy komercyjny sukces odniosy piosenki Pon de Replay. Britney Spears est ne le 2 dcembre 1981 Kentwood, en Louisiane. Enfant, elle pratique la danse et la gymnastique. Le dimanche, elle chante dans la chorale de l'glise baptiste de sa ville. Britney Jean Spears (McComb, 2 dicembre 1981) una cantante, artista, ballerina, attrice, stilista, cantautrice e personaggio televisivo statunitense. In vent'anni di carriera musicale diventata una delle pi importanti figure per la musica e la cultura pop, tanto da guadagnarsi l'appellativo di Principessa del Pop, grazie anche a una vita personale molto pubblicizzata. Spears wurde 1981 in McComb in Mississippi als Tochter von Lynne Irene und James Parnell Spears geboren; sie wuchs in Kentwood auf. Ihre Gromutter mtterlicherseits, Lillian Portell, stammt aus London. Spears hat einen lteren Bruder und eine jngere Schwester, Jamie Lynn. Britney Spears urodzia si w McComb w stanie Missisipi, jako drugie dziecko Lynne Irene Bridges i Jamesa Parnella Spears. Jej babcia, Lillian Portell bya Angielk, urodzon w Londynie, a matka jednego z jej pradziadkw, miaa pochodzenia maltaskie. Ma rodzestwo, Bryana Jamesa i Jamie Lynn. W wieku trzech lat, zacza uczszcza na lekcje taca. Britney Jean Spears (McComb (Mississippi), 2 december 1981) is een Amerikaanse pop zangeres, danseres en actrice. Ze is een voormalig tieneridool dat in de jaren negentig mede vorm gaf aan de opkomst van de teen pop. Ze is een van de bestverkopende artiesten ter wereld. joulukuuta 1981 McComb, Mississippi) on yhdysvaltalainen laulaja, tanssija ja nyttelij. Spearsin levyj on myyty yli 150 miljoonaa kappaletta, mik tekee hnest yhden kaikkien aikojen myydyimmist artisteista maailmassa. In February 2001, Spears signed a 78 million promotional deal with Pepsi, and released another book cowritten with her mother, titled A Mother's Gift. Her selftitled third studio album, Britney, was released in November 2001. While on tour, she felt inspired by hip hop artists such as JayZ and The Neptunes and wanted to create a record with a funkier sound..