Sylvester Stallone. AKA Michael Sylvester Enzio Stallone. Born: 6Jul1946 Birthplace: New York City. Gender: Male Religion: Roman Catholic Race or Ethnicity: White Sexual orienta. Sylvester Stallone was a difficult birth, yanked from his mother's womb by a doctor's forceps that severed a facial nerve. As a result, the lower left side of his face is. With Sylvester Stallone, Robert Loggia, Susan Blakely, Rick Zumwalt. Tough trucker Lincoln Hawk is determined to win back his son and triumph at. Sylvester Stallone, Actor: Rocky. This athletically built, darkhaired American may never be mentioned by oldschool film critics in the same breath as, say, Richard Burton or Alec Guinness; however, movie fans worldwide have been flocking to see Stallone's films for over 30 years, making Sly one of Hollywood's biggestever box office draws. Michael Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone (ur. 6 lipca 1946 w Nowym Jorku) amerykaski aktor, scenarzysta, reyser i producent filmowy, jedna z najwikszych gwiazd kina wiatowego, midzynarodowa ikona machismo i Hollywood. wiatow saw i trwae miejsce w historii kina przyniosy mu role, ktre stay si czci amerykaskiej kultury masowej. If youre a Rocky or Stallone fan, then you probably noticed right away that the scene in the photo above doesnt appear in the movie. Sadly, although the scene was filmed, it and all of the other Rocky deleted scenes and outtakes were destroyed some time in the 1980s. Sylvester Stallone plays his toughest character yet as a police officerdirtier than Harry, who must protect a beautiful witness from a cult ofserial killers. Jackie Stallone, ne Jacqueline Labofish le 29 novembre 1921, est surtout connue pour tre la mre de l'acteur Sylvester Stallone et du chanteur Frank Stallone. Jacqueline France Labofish est la fille d'un avocat de Washington, John Labofish ( ), et d'une Brestoise, Jeanne Clrec ( ), qu'il avait rencontre en Bretagne au lendemain de la Premire Guerre. Sylvester Stallone est un acteur, ralisateur, scnariste et producteur amricain n le 6 juillet 1946 New York, dans le quartier de Hell's Kitchen. Aprs avoir commenc dans des petits rles au dbut des annes 1970, il se rvle au grand public en 1976 dans Rocky o sa prestation lui vaut d'tre nomm aux Oscars, aux Golden Globes et aux BAFTA du meilleur acteur et du. Sylvester Stallone um Ator, Roteirista americano. Confira a biografia, os detalhes de seus 49 anos de carreira e todas as notcias sobre ele. Sylvester Stallone box office breakdown and upcoming movies. Brigitte Nielsen, la famosa exmujer de Sylvester Stallone que protagoniz un curioso tringulo con Rony Seikaly y Bern Osborne, ha anunciado a sus 54 aos que est embarazada. Jeden z nejlpe placench hollywoodskch herc si postavil kariru na postavch outsider, kte ale kon jako vtzov. Njak as se snail uspt s komediemi a dramaty, ale zd se, e se u nikdy nedoke odpoutat od svho zitku hvzdn slvy z doby, kter tak pla aknm idolm. Sylvester Sly Gardenzio Stallone ( 6. Juli 1946 in New York City, New York) ist ein USamerikanischer Schauspieler, Filmregisseur, Drehbuchautor, Filmproduzent und Unternehmer. Er wurde dreimal fr den Oscar und ebenso oft fr den Golden Globe Award nominiert. Mit Letzterem wurde er 2016 ausgezeichnet. Er gilt als einer der erfolgreichsten und berhmtesten ActionDarsteller der. This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Sylvester Stallone un attore, sceneggiatore e produttore cinematografico statunitense di origine italiana. Inizia la sua carriera di attore recitando in un porno soft, per esigenze economiche, e interpretando piccoli ruoli in pellicole importanti come Il dittatore dello stato libero di Bananas di Woody Allen ed Una squillo per l'ispettore Klute di Alan J. Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone (New York, 6 juli 1946), bijgenaamd Sly, is een Amerikaans acteur, scenarist en filmregisseur Zijn naam wekt bij velen een associatie op met zijn twee bekendste rollen: de bokser Rocky Balboa en de Vietnamveteraan John Rambo. Bij zijn geboorte traden complicaties op, waardoor een gedeelte van Stallones lippen, tong en kin verlamd raakten. After 17 years apart, Sylvester Stallone will finally be reunited with the legendary classic car featured in his movie Cobra after it was stolen out of his garage back in 1994 TMZ. Cobra is a 1986 American action film directed by George P. Cosmatos, and written by Sylvester Stallone, who also starred in the title role. The film costars Reni Santoni, Brigitte Nielsen and Andrew Robinson. It is the first film where Brian Thompson plays a prominent role. The film was loosely based on the novel Fair Game by Paula Gosling, which was later filmed under that title in 1995. This athletically built, darkhaired American may never be mentioned by oldschool film critics in the same breath as, say, Richard Burton or Alec Guinness; however. Quelle est filmographie de Sylvester Stallone? Dcouvrez tous les films et sries de la filmographie de Sylvester Stallone. De ses dbuts jusqu' ses projets venir. American actor, voice actor, director, film producer, and screen writer, Sylvester Sly Stallone has appeared in over seventythree films. Sylvester Gardenzio Stallone, soprannominato Sly (New York, 6 luglio 1946), un attore, sceneggiatore, regista e produttore cinematografico statunitense, principalmente conosciuto per l'interpretazione dei tre celebri personaggi Rocky Balboa, John Rambo e Barney Ross, protagonisti di tre saghe cinematografiche iniziate con le pellicole Rocky (1976), Rambo (1982) e I mercenari The.