Justin Randall Timberlake was born on January 31, 1981, in Memphis, Tennessee, to Lynn (Bomar) and Randall Timberlake, whose own father was a Baptist minister. Po siedmiu latach wsplnej kariery i trzech wydanych albumach z grup 'N Sync, Justin Timberlake zdecydowa si na karier solow. 5 listopada 2002 wyda debiutancki album Justified. Znajduj si na nim takie hity, jak Rock Your Body, Like I Love You czy Cry Me a River, za ktry otrzyma nagrod Grammy. W 2006 roku ukazaa si druga solowa pyta Timberlakea. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products. Buy Justin Timberlake concert tickets Buy in confidence with our FanGuard Guarantee GET ME IN! Jackson 5 Blame it on the boogie: Jennifer Lopez Aint it funny: John Lennon So this is Christmas: Jackson 5 Dancing machine: Jennifer Lopez Baby I love you Join the Tennessee Kids. Premium TN Kids get access to exclusive contests, merchandise and content throughout the year, new music as it become available, access to. Check out Cry Me a River (Instrumental) by Rick Mims Band on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Justin Timberlake lyrics 87 song lyrics sorted by album, including Can't Stop The Feeling! Your station will play momentarily. Technical Support ExNFL player James Hardy III a 2nd round pick in 2008 was found dead in an Indiana river, officials confirm. The 6'6 wide receiver was drafted by the Buffalo Bills after a. Justin Timberlake's official music video for 'Cry Me A River Click to listen to Justin Timberlake on Spotify: As featured on. Get the latest music news, watch video clips from music shows, events, and exclusive performances from your favorite artists. Discover new country music on CMT. Im September 2006 verffentlichte Justin Timberlake sein zweites Soloalbum von Timbaland und will. am produzierte Platte stieg sowohl in den Vereinigten Staaten, Grobritannien, Kanada und Australien als auch in elf weiteren Lndern auf Platz 1 der Albumcharts ein, erreichte aber auch in Deutschland, sterreich und in der Schweiz nach der. Justin wrote this song about Britney Spears. In the song, the relationship goes bad because the girl cheated, and to get even, the boy makes sure that the girl finds out he's moved on with his life. Cry Me A River isn't Justin's only track about infidelity. Off his 2006 record FutureSexLoveSounds, What Goes AroundComes Around is about the demise of his best friend's rocky relationship with actress Elisha Cuthbert. Ciara's official music video for 'Love Sex Magic' ft. Click to listen to Ciara on Spotify: As featured on. Get Justin Timberlake setlists view them, share them, discuss them with other Justin Timberlake fans for free on setlist. Letra e msica de Cry Me A River de Justin Timberlake You told me you loved me Why did you leave me all alone? Now you tell me you need me When you call me on the phone Cry Me a River uma cano popular americana, escrita por Arthur Hamilton e lanada em 1953. Uma balada jazzy blues, Cry Me a River foi originalmente escrita para Ella Fitzgerald cantar no filme cujo cenrio era a dcada de 1920, Pete Kelly's Blues, que estreou em 1955, mas a cano foi cortada da produo. Ento, Fitzgerald gravou a composio e a lanou em Clap Hands, Here. Lyrics to Cry Me A River song by Justin Timberlake: You were my sun You were my earth But you didn't know all the ways I loved you, no So you took a cha American singer and songwriter Justin Timberlake has written and recorded material for his five studio albums. Timberlake released his solo debut studio album, Justified, in November 2002. Most of the record was produced by The Neptunes, with additional collaborators including Brian McKnight, Scott Storch, Timbaland, and The Underdogs. Like I Love You, written by Timberlake, Chad Hugo and. Cry Me a River is a song recorded by American singer and songwriter Justin Timberlake for his debut studio album, Justified (2002). It was written by Timberlake and Scott Storch with producer Timbaland and was inspired by Timberlake's former relationship with singer Britney Spears. Jive Records released the song to contemporary hit and rhythmic radio in the United States on November 25, 2002. Justin Randall Timberlake, n le 31 janvier 1981 Memphis (Tennessee, tatsUnis), est un chanteur, compositeur, danseur, producteur et acteur amricain. Il dbute dans le boys band amricain NSYNC et gagne neuf Grammy Awards ainsi que deux Emmy Awards au cours de sa carrire. En 2002, il fait paratre son premier album solo, Justified, vendu plus de 10 millions d'exemplaires. Your station will play momentarily. Technical Support.