• Rain Man summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links. Rain Man r en amerikansk dramafilm frn 1988 i regi av Barry Levinson, med manus av Barry Morrow och Ronald Bass. Huvudrollerna spelas av Dustin Hoffman och Tom Cruise. Filmen hade biopremir i USA den 16 december 1988 [1 och Sverigepremir den 17 mars 1989 [2 p biografen Astoria i Stockholm. Dustin Hoffmans rollfigur, Raymond Babbitt, r baserad p savanten Kim Peek. Rain Man, American dramatic film, released in 1988 and starring Tom Cruise and Dustin Hoffman, that was a hit with both critics and audiences and won four Academy Awards, including that for best picture, as well as two Golden Globe Awards, including that for best drama. Rain Man est un film ralis par Barry Levinson avec Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise. Synopsis: A la mort de son pre, Charlie Babbitt, homme d'affaires press, hrite d'une vieille Buick qu'il. Rain Man is the kind of touching drama that Oscars are made forand, sure enough, the film took Academy honors for best picture, director, screenplay, and actor (Dustin Hoffman) in 1988. Rain Man est un film amricain ralis par Barry Levinson, sorti en 1988 aux tatsUnis et en France en 1989. Ce film fut considr comme l'un des premiers aborder le thme de l'autisme. Le personnage incarn par Dustin Hoffman est souvent dcrit comme ayant le syndrome d'Asperger, mais dans les faits le D r Bruner n'a fait mention que d'autisme. 1988 A bomb is exploded on Pan Am Flight 103 over Lockerbie in Scotland on December 21st. Also Prozac is sold for the first time as an antidepressant some of the great movies that year included Rain Man, Die Hard and A Fish Called Wanda This shopping feature will continue to load items. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading. Rain Man is a project that Hoffman and Cruise have been determined to bring to the screen for a long time. Barry Levinson came on board after three previous directors signed off on this material. The problem, of course, was Raymond. High resolution official theatrical movie poster for Rain Man (1988). Starring Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino, Gerald R. Molen SINHARAJA RAINFOREST is a world heritage site and major eco tourism destination, which can also be described as a Tropical Lowland Rainforest or Tropical Wet Evergreen Forest. Whatever its 'technical' name, it is undoubtedly a rich treasure trove of nature with a great diversity of habitats and a vast repository of Sri Lanka's endemic species found no where else in the world. Rain Man is a 1988 American comedydrama road movie directed by Barry Levinson and written by Barry Morrow and Ronald Bass. It tells the story of an abrasive, selfish young wheelerdealer Charlie Babbitt (), who discovers that his estranged father has died and bequeathed all of his multimilliondollar estate to his other son, Raymond (Dustin Hoffman), an autistic savant, of whose existence. The Long Rain is a short story by science fiction author Ray Bradbury. This story was originally published in 1950 as DeathbyRain in the magazine Planet Stories, and then in the collection The Illustrated Man. The story tells of four men who have crashed on a planet where it is always raining. 1988 Academy Awards Winners and History: Note: Oscar and Academy Awards and Oscar design mark are the trademarks and service marks and the Oscar statuette the copyrighted property, of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. This site is neither endorsed by nor affiliated with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Watch Full movie Rain Man (1988) Online Free. Selfish yuppie Charlie Babbitt's father left a fortune to his savant brother Raymond and a pittance to Charlie; they travel crosscountry stream movies Rain Man L'uomo della pioggia (Rain Man) un film del 1988, diretto da Barry Levinson ed interpretato da Tom Cruise e Dustin Hoffman, vincitore dell'Orso d'oro al Festival internazionale del cinema di Berlino nel 1989. Il film si anche aggiudicato quattro Premi Oscar: miglior film, miglior regia, miglior attore protagonista e miglior sceneggiatura originale. Rain Man es una pelcula estadounidense de 1988, dirigida por Barry Levinson y protagonizada por Dustin Hoffman y Tom Cruise en los papeles principales. Charlie (Tom Cruise), um jovem yuppie, fica sabendo que seu pai faleceu. Eles nunca se deram bem e no se viam h vrios anos, mas ele vai ao enterro e ao cuidar do testamento descobre que. Rain Man ist ein USamerikanisches Filmdrama von Barry Levinson aus dem Jahr 1988. Dustin Hoffman spielt den Autisten Raymond, der von seinem Bruder Charlie aus einer Klinik auf eine Reise durch die USA mitgenommen wird. Selfcentered, avaricious Californian Charlie Babbitt (Tom Cruise) is informed that his longestranged father has died. Expecting at least a portion of the elder Babbitt's 3 million estate.