Lisa Ann is dressed up in her sexiest red lingerie. She shows off her amazing body to Live Gonzo before going to a couch and fucking the shit out of some big white dick. Check out the best porn videos, images, gifs and playlists from pornstar Lisa Ann. Browse through the content she uploaded herself on her verified pornstar profile, only on Pornhub. Subscribe to Lisa Ann's feed and add her as a friend. Lisa Ann (born May 9, 1972) is an American pornographic actress and radio personality. She has also worked as a director and talent agent. She has received mainstream notice for parodying former Alaska governor Sarah Palin in six adult films. Lisa Anne Corpora (9 de Maio de 1972), conhecida por Lisa Ann, uma atriz pornogrfica norteamericana. Mai 1972 in Easton, Pennsylvania; brgerlich Lisa Ann Corpora) ist eine USamerikanische Pornodarstellerin und Regisseurin. Sie war von 1994 bis 1997 sowie von 2006 bis 2014 in der Branche aktiv und wird als berhmteste Darstellerin ihrer Zeit angesehen. Lisa Ann Biography: Today, it is time to tell the world about beautiful, busty and hot Lisa Ann. This stunning babe was born in Easton, Pennsylvania on May 9, 1972. Lisa Ann, pseudonimo di Lisa Ann Corpora (Easton, 9 maggio 1972), un'ex attrice pornografica e conduttrice radiofonica una delle maggiori esponenti del genere MILF, ha lavorato anche come regista e manager Lisa Ann es el nombre artstico de Lisa Anne Corpora (Easton, Pensilvania, 9 de mayo de 1972), una productora, directora y actriz [2 [3 de cine pornogrfico estadounidense, catalogada como una de las mejores MILF del mundo. Actualmente tambin es conductora del programa deportivo Lisa Ann Does Fantasy, emitido por la cadena de Radio Sirius XM. 9 maja 1972 w Easton) amerykaska aktorka i reyserka filmw pornograficznych pochodzenia woskiego. Wystpia take pod pseudonimem Zina Sunshine, Lisa i Leesa Watch Lisa Ann Ann Marie Teacher VS Student on Pornhub. com, the best hardcore porn site. Pornhub is home to the widest selection of free Lesbian sex videos full of the hottest pornstars. If you're craving brunette XXX movies you'll find them here. Lisa Ann, a scintillating darkhaired beauty whose loveliness is ageless, graced the porn scene between 1993 and 1994. Her exhibitionist talents first began on stage as an erotic dancer during her college years in 1990, when she later became a certified dental assistant. com the best free porn videos on internet, 100 free. Lisa Ann (Easton, 9 mei 1972) is een Amerikaanse pornoactrice. In 1994 deed Lisa Ann haar intrede in de pornoindustrie, maar zij stapte eruit in 1997, omdat zij bang was aids te krijgen. Zij werkte jaren als exotisch danseres in stripclubs, waarna. Narodila se v Eastonu v Pensylvnii. V roce 1990 zaala pracovat jako erotick tanenice, z vydlanch penz platila sv studia na vysok kole, kde se stala diplomovanou zubn asistentkou. V ervenci 1993 se stala pornoherekou, ale skonila v roce 1997, kvli strachu z AIDS. Pozdji nkolik let pracovala jako tanenice ve strip klubech po celch Spojench. Lisa Ann brjade med erotisk dans r 1990 fr att betala sin skolgng, dr hon blev en certifierad tandskterska. [3 I juli 1993 brjade hon som porrskdespelerska, men slutade 1997 p grund av rdsla fr aids. [3 Hon tillbringade flera r som dansare p strippklubbar runt om i landet, innan hon tervnde till sexindustrin som agent och senare ven som skdespelare. I think Lisa Ann looks better as a MILF than when she first came to porn. I think she's great now that she's back from retirement. Find where Lisa Ann is credited alongside another name: . This will allow you to search for titles that have another person in the cast. It does NOT mean that they necessarily worked together. If you're not sure of the way the name is spelled in our database, use. Lisa Ann, ne Lisa Anne Corpora [1 le 9 mai 1972 Easton, en Pennsylvanie, est une actrice pornographique amricaine. Tout au long de sa carrire, elle a tourn avec un grand nombre d'acteurs, et quelquesuns ont collabor plus de dix fois avec elle (Prince Yahshua, Lexington Steel, Mick Blue, Manuel Ferrara, Johnny Sins, Erik Everhard ou encore Julia Ann). Join RedTube Premium and never look back. 1080p, thousands of the best full length videos and no ads. Lisa Ann is the milf that every one dreams of fucking. Check out this sexy cougar in her free porn videos. Pornhub knows exactly what you need. Lisa Ann, actria porno care a jucato pe Sarah Palin a venit n Romnia pentru un show erotic. A povestit n exclusivitate pentru Libertatea despre aventura ei pe platourile de filmare cnd juca rolul fostei guvernatoare a statului Alaska i cum i ntreine corpul pentru a arta fr cusur pe ecrane. Watch video Lisa Ann in Who's Nailin Pailin# 2 on Redtube, home of free Big Tits porn videos and MILF sex movies online. Video length: (6: 19) Uploaded by Hustler Parodies Starring Pornstar: Lisa Ann Lisa Ann, a scintillating darkhaired beauty whose loveliness is ageless, graced the porn scene between 1993 and 1994. Her exhibitionist talents first began on stage as an erotic dancer during her. Lisa Ann was born in Easton, Pennsylvania. She began erotic dancing in 1990 to pay her way through college, where she became a certified dental assistant. In July 1993, she became an adult actress, but quit in 1997 due to an AIDS scare. She spent several years touring as a feature dancer at strip clubs around the country, before returning to the sex industry as an agent, and later. 9 Mays 1972, Pensilvanya), ABD'li eski porno yldz. Lisa, Dans kulbnde almaya baladktan sonra, 1990 ylnda di hekimlii asistanln kazanmtr. 1994 ylnda porno film sektrne giren yldz, AIDS'ten korktuu iin 1997'de bu sektrden ayrlmtr. Daha sonra bir porno yldz kefedicisinin ynlendirmesiyle erotik dans. Lisa Ann, born in Easton, Pennsylvania, is a veteran of adult entertainment with about 550 films credited to her name as a performer and another 50 as a director. Lisa Ann is a retired adult film star, talent agent, director, producer and radio host. Born and raised in Easton, Pennsylvania, Lisa Ann started her career in the strip clubs of the Northeast before moving to Los Angeles at the age of 20, to begin her career in the adult film industry..