DOCUMENT: Celebrity, Investigation, Crime Akon's Con Job The platinumselling RB artist has fabricated a past as ringleader of a notorious car theft ring who spent 4 12 years in jail. Thriller il sesto album in studio del cantante statunitense Michael Jackson, pubblicato il 30 novembre 1982 negli Stati Uniti d'America e in Regno Unito dalla Epic Records e il 2 dicembre dello stesso anno nel resto del mondo dalla Columbia Records. Si tratta dell'album pi venduto nella storia della musica, si stima abbia venduto oltre 110 milioni di copie, anche se questa cifra viene. People have reported sightings and sent in photos. Some eyewitness accounts are incredible! We have posted emails from Michael Jackson fans around the world who have claimed to have seen him alive. Michael Jackson performando a msica Jam durante um show da Dangerous World Tour na Europa em 1992: Informao geral Nome completo Michael Joseph Jackson Tambm conhecido(a) como King of Pop (Rei do Pop). Nascimento MICHAEL is the much anticipated album of newly completed recordings from Michael Jackson. The creative process never stopped for the King of Pop who was always planning for his next album; unbeknownst to many fans around the world Michael Jackson was writing and recording songs continuously everywhere from a friends home in New Jersey to studios in Las Vegas and Los. Michael Jackson, n le 29 aot 1958, est le septime des neuf enfants [16 de Joseph Walter Jackson et Katherine Esther Scruse. La famille vit dans une petite maison pourvue de deux chambres seulement, dans la ville ouvrire de Gary (), au sudest de Chicago. Le pre, qui joue de la guitare dans un groupe R'n'B appel The Falcons (les Faucons), travaille comme simple ouvrier dans une. Akon groeide op in Senegal, voordat hij met zijn hele familie naar New Jersey verhuisde. Zijn vader is jazzpercussionist Mor Thiam. Akon ontdekte hier hiphop en kwam in aanraking met de misdaad. Hij bracht een tijdje in de cel door, waar hij zijn muzikale ideen ontwikkelde. Akon, de son vrai nom Alioune Badara Thiam [1, est un chanteur et producteur de RnB amricanosngalais n le 16 avril 1973 SaintLouis dans le Missouri [3. Son premier single Locked Up et son premier album Trouble sont sortis en 2004. Son deuxime album, Konvicted, a gagn une nomination au Grammy Award pour son single Smack That. Il a fond le label Konvict Muzik. Escute o remix com os maiores sucessos do Rei do Pop, Diamonds Are Invincible, com letra e traduo! Compartilhar Hold My Hand is a duet performed by American recording artist Michael Jackson and SenegaleseAmerican singersongwriter Akon, from Jackson's first posthumous album Michael. The song was originally recorded by Akon and Jackson in 2008. Check out Thriller 25 Super Deluxe Edition by Michael Jackson on Amazon Music. Stream adfree or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Amazon. Michael Joseph Jackson, fdd 29 augusti 1958 i Gary i Indiana, dd 25 juni 2009 i Los Angeles i Kalifornien, [1 [2 [3 var en amerikansk sngare, dansare, ltskrivare, producent och skdespelare, med oerhrda framgngar under fyra rtionden. Han har haft stor inverkan p musikindustrin, inte minst anses hans musikvideor ha varit nydanande. Han blev under 1990talet ven knd fr. Music video by Michael Jackson performing Hollywood Tonight. (C) 2011 Optimum Productions Music video by Michael Jackson Duet with Akon performing Hold My Hand. O nome completo de Akon Aliaune Damala Badara Akon Thiam, [5 anunciado por ele prprio. Algumas fontes dizem que seu nome Aliaune Thiam, [6 e fontes como a Associated Press tem relatado que ele tenha nascido em 1973. Documentos legais divulgados pela The Smoking Gun lista seu nome como Aliaune Thiam Damala e a data de nascimento 16 de abril de 1973. August 1958 in Gary, Indiana; 25. Juni 2009 in Los Angeles, Kalifornien) war ein USamerikanischer Snger, Tnzer, Songwriter, Autor, Musikund Filmproduzent sowie ein einflussreicher Musikmanager. Laut dem GuinnessBuch der Rekorde ist er der erfolgreichste Entertainer aller Zeiten und zugleich der Knstler, der weltweit die meisten. On the Michael Jackson Song List you can find all the albums any song is on and download or play MP3s from. A look back at the music that made Michael Jackson the undisputed King of Pop. In a career that spanned almost all 50 years of his life, Michael Jackson became a mainstay on the Billboard charts. Michael Joseph Jackson (Gary (Indiana), 29 augustus 1958 Los Angeles (Californi), 25 juni 2009), bekend als The King of Pop, was een Amerikaans zanger, danser en componist. Hij geldt als een van de meest succesvolle artiesten van de 20e eeuw. Jackson onderscheidde zich door zijn herkenbare stem en zijn typische dansbewegingen. Michael Joseph Jackson nacque il 29 agosto 1958 al St. Mary's Mercy Hospital di Gary, in Indiana, settimo di dieci figli di una modesta famiglia afroamericana. La madre Katherine Esther Scruse, commessa in un supermercato Sears, era dal 1963 una devota testimone di Geova ed era solita cantare con i figli. Il padre Joseph Jackson era operaio in un'acciaieria della United States Steel e in. Michael Joseph Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana, a part of the Chicago metropolitan area, on August 29, 1958. He was the eighth of ten children in the Jackson family, a workingclass AfricanAmerican family living in a twobedroom house on Jackson Street in Gary. His mother, Katherine Esther Jackson (ne Scruse), left the Baptist tradition in 1963 to become a devout Jehovah's Witness. srpna 1958 Gary, Indiana, USA 25. ervna 2009 Los Angeles, Kalifornie, USA) byl americk popov a rockov zpvk, skladatel, choreograf, tanenk, producent a mecen afroamerickho pvodu. Jeho desky Thriller, Bad a Dangerous pat mezi nejvznamnj v oblasti pop music. Album Thriller zstv dodnes s vraznm rozdlem. En scne depuis l'ge de cinq ans, Michael Jackson a effectu ses dbuts avec ses frres au sein des Jackson Five. Benjamin et le.