• Floyd Joy Mayweather, Jr. apodado Money (Grand Rapids, Mchigan, 24 de febrero de 1977), nacido como Floyd Joy Sinclair, [1 es un boxeador profesional estadounidense que termin su carrera invicto. Es hijo del exboxeador Floyd Mayweather Sr. , sobrino y pupilo del exboxeador campen del mundo Roger Mayweather y sobrino del tambin exboxeador Jeff Mayweather. Arturo Thunder Gatti (15 de abril de 1972 11 de julio de 2009) fue un boxeador profesional italiano con nacionalidad canadiense. Naci en Cassino, Italia, y se crio en Montreal, Quebec, Canad. Con 19 aos se traslad a Jersey City, Nueva Jersey, al comenzar su carrera como boxeador profesional. Volvi a Montreal despus de retirarse del boxeo. Chad Mendes entered this fight with a mma record of 1740 (53 finishing rate) but he is not ranked as he hasnt fought since December 11, 2015 when he was defeated by Frankie Edgar (Frankie Edgar vs Chad Mendes). Before this bout, in 2015, he had also lost to Conor McGregor in July (Mendes vs McGregor) and had beat Ricardo Lamas in April (Mendes vs Lamas). Biographie Enfance, formation et dbuts. Cassius Marcellus Clay nat le 17 janvier 1942 Louisville dans le Kentucky, dOdessa Clay Marcellus et de Cassius Marcellus [17. Il grandit dans un quartier noir de Louisville. Sa mre travaille comme femme de mnage et comme cuisinire des familles blanches aises et son pre vend des gravures religieuses et commerciales. From LeBron James and Maverick Carter? s SpringHill Entertainment and directed by Antoine Fuqua, the documentary will paint an intimate portrait of a man who, against all odds, dreamed and achieved the impossible. Rate Ngannou Lewis full fight video combat. Francis Ngannou vs Derrick Lewis Hw fight of UFC 226: result, free fight video, record. Ngannou entered the fight with a record Floyd Mayweather Jr. 24 lutego 1977 w Grand Rapids) amerykaski bokser, byy mistrz wiata federacji WBC, WBA i WBO w wadze predniej (do 147 funtw), WBC i WBA w wadze junior redniej (do 154 funtw) oraz byy zawodowy mistrz wiata organizacji WBC w kategoriach junior lekkiej (do 130 funtw), lekkiej (do 135 funtw), junior predniej (do 140 funtw) i. George Chuvalo, also known as Jure Cuvalo was honoured on December 18th in his parents' home town of Ljubuski with the unveiling of a statue in front of the city's Sports Centre. To see weights, rounds and other information please log in, it's free Billy Joe Saunders tests positive for banned substance, title bout vs. Demetrius Andrade in doubt The New Order and the Future of Boxing: Part One Weighin alert: George Groves 167. 25 George Groves: Ill hit Callum Smith with big shots. Ill get rid of him Callum Smith: If I beat George Groves, Im The Ring champion and the best in the division Floyd Mayweather Jr. (Grand Rapids, 24 febbraio 1977) un pugile statunitense. Soprannominato Pretty Boy Floyd e Money Mayweather, ha vinto la medaglia di bronzo alle Olimpiadi di Atlanta 1996. Da pugile professionista stato campione del mondo WBC in cinque categorie differenti di peso ed stato nominato da Ring Magazine Fighter Of The Year nel 1998 e nel 2007. Manny Pacquiao, billed as The Fight of the Century, or the Battle for Greatness, was a professional boxing match between undefeated fivedivision world champion Floyd Mayweather Jr. and eightdivision world champion Manny Pacquiao. It took place on May 2, 2015, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. com uses cookies to make the site simpler. Find out more about cookies Prediction, I think Santa Cruz will win this fight, I think it will be competitive, and an exciting fight, but I think Santa Cruz will win a unanimous decision, I think. scar de la Hoya torna nel maggio del 2006 rifacendo sua la corona WBC superwlter infliggendo tre atterramenti al campione Ricardo Mayorga nel giro di sei round. Ma nel novembre 2006 che si prospetta la clamorosa sfida fra il re dei pugili Pound For Pound Floyd Mayweather, Jr. e De la Hoya: l'attesa per il match fortissima (viene chiamata The World Awaits) perch si ritrovano di. The boxing world mourns again as Enzo Calzaghe, MBE, dies aged 69. The father and trainer of son former World Champion Joe Calzaghe sadly passed away yesterday. Miguel Cotto, billed as Ring Kings, was a Boxing Junior Middleweight bout held on May 5, 2012, at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. Mayweather won the fight by unanimous decision. On Saturday night, Las Vegas played host to the biggest event in boxing history. The world tuned in, hoping to witness a fight that would rival those of the GattiWard, HaglerHearns vintage. Comprehensive Boxing news, scores, standings, fantasy games, rumors, and more Arturo Gatti vs. Floyd Mayweather reproduction Approx. Size: 11 x 17 Inches 28cm x 44cm Style A mini poster print Pop Culture Graphics, Inc is Amazon's largest source for movie and TV show memorabilia, posters and more: Offering tens of thousands of items to choose from. est un boxeur amricain n le 24 fvrier 1977 Grand Rapids dans le Michigan. Surnomm Pretty Boy, il est l'un des meilleurs boxeurs des annes 2000, tant demeur invaincu en plus de 18 ans de carrire professionnelle et 50 combats, mais aussi grce ses nombreux titres de champion du monde obtenus dans cinq catgories de poids diffrentes. IT is fair to say Floyd Mayweather, son of former pro Floyd Snr and nephew of former world champion Roger, divides opinion. Undefeated, brash, enigmatic and extraordinarily talented, Money.