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Welcome to This website is a repository of United States Government issue pistol, revolver, and long arms research, data, and conclusions that have been compiled by myself with the aid of other collectors who have graciously shared the fruits of their labors. he American Civil War was the greatest war in American history. 3 million fought 600, 000 paid the ultimate price for freedom. Join up for free games, shops, auctions, chat and more. AUTHENTIC GERMAN MILITARIA FOR THE COLLECTORCollections Purchased, Single Items Wanted, Multiples Wanted ((Click Here for Original German War Relics))(Click Here for Original German War Relics)) Let us not forget the men women who gave their lives in time of war and peace. This site is dedicated to my father. Wild Bill Heller DOBBIN HOUSE TAVERN Dine in Gettysburg's Oldest, Most Historic House. 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You will become a master at the art of pimping your hoes, commanding your thugs and battling your enemies to protect what you have and to help your empire grow. Historian: (518) Office Hours: Monday through Friday, 8: 30 am 12: 00 pm; Welcome to our ongoing project to provide public access to the records of Civil War Veteran's of the Town of Plattsburgh. Welcome to the World War Two Nominal Roll website. The World War Two Nominal Roll was created to honour and commemorate the men and women who served in Australia's defence forces and the Merchant Navy during this conflict. Our website is the source for the latest security and strategic research from the military's link to the academic community. The Strategic Studies Institute is the War. Pilgrim Hall, built in 1824, is a gallery museum in the center of historic Plymouth, Massachusetts. The nations oldest public museum, Pilgrim Hall houses an unmatched collection of Pilgrim possessions. Welcome to Civil War Sutler We would like to welcome you to the Civil War Sutler and Frontier Clothing website. We supply good quality historically accurate 19th Century clothing and accoutrements at competitive prices for the reenactor as well as collectors. Check our easy to use site WAR RELICS WANTED! Payment sent in advance with PayPal. Avid Military Antique Collector 30 Years. The Civil War Home Page brings together thousands of pages of Civil War material including information on Battles, Documents, Associations, Letters Diaries, Research Records, Biographical Information, Photos, Reenacting and Unit Information. If this is your first visit to our site, you will need to create an account by clicking here. ALL CUSTOMERS CAN SAVE ON SHIPPING. Welcome to The Civil War, the WEB's most extensive source of original Civil War resources. This site has over 7, 000 pages of original Civil War content, and is full of incredible photographs, original illustrations, and eyewitness accounts of the. The Phoney War (French: Drle de guerre; German: Sitzkrieg) was an eightmonth period at the start of World War II, during which there was only one limited military land operation on the Western Front, when French troops invaded Germany's Saar district. The Phoney period began with the declaration of war by Great Britain and France against Nazi Germany on 3 September 1939, and ended with the.