• Shortly after releasing the first 3 James Bond films (Dr. No, From Russia With Love, and Goldfinger) on Laserdisc in a 2disc CAV format in 1991, Criterion was asked by EON Productions (Producers of the James Bond Films) to recall all unsold Laserdisc product. Broccoli felt that the audio commentary tracks on the 3 titles where unacceptable. Ian Fleming created the fictional character of James Bond as the central figure for his works. Bond is an intelligence officer in the Secret Intelligence Service, commonly known as MI6. Bond is known by his code number, 007, and was a Royal Naval Reserve Commander. Fleming based his fictional creation on a number of individuals he came across during his time in the Naval Intelligence Division. James Bond (007) is Britain's top agent and is on an exciting mission, to solve the mysterious murder of a fellow agent. The task sends him to Jamaica, where. Comandante de Marina Real Britnica, CMG, RNVR, es un agente secreto con nmero de cdigo 007, con domicilio en Chelsea, Londres, pero activo a nivel internacional. Bond inicialmente era un personaje al servicio de la Divisin de Inteligencia Naval durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial, a la que Fleming aadi su propio estilo y sus propios gustos; el nombre de Bond fue copiado. James Bond 007 Giftset [Ian Fleming on Amazon. FREE shipping on qualifying offers. Set of 14 James Bond favorites Packaged in decorative slipcase. James Bond, znany te jako agent 007 posta fikcyjna, szpieg brytyjskiej Secret Intelligence Service (MI6), bohater szeregu powieci Iana Fleminga, protagonista w wielu powieciach i opowiadaniach autorstwa Iana Fleminga. Po mierci pierwotnego autora dalsze przygody agenta 007 opisywali Kingsley Amis, John Gardner, Raymond Benson, Sebastian Faulks, Jeffery Deaver i William Boyd. James Bond 007 contre Dr No (Dr. No) est un film britannique ralis par Terence Young et sorti en 1962 au RoyaumeUni et en Irlande, en 1963 ailleurs. C'est le premier de la srie des films de James Bond qui en comporte actuellement 24. Il est tir du roman Docteur No de Ian Fleming, publi en 1958. Produit avec un budget modeste, James Bond contre Dr. No ein Film von Terence Young mit Sean Connery, Ursula Andress. Inhaltsangabe: Der intelligente, charmante und wenn er will auch rabiate Geheimagent James Bond. Join us as we celebrate the adventures of Ian Flemings James Bond 007, in print and on the silver screen. From the first novel, Casino Royale in 1953 and the first film, Dr. No, 1962 through to the latest James Bond film, Spectre. released in October 2015, some 53 years after 007 The official website of James Bond 007. Features breaking news on the 25th James Bond movie including first looks at images and other exclusive content. We'll keep you fully briefed on the amazing 007 events happening across the globe in 2018. James Bond, Agent 007, ist ein von Ian Fleming erfundener Geheimagent, der fr den MI6 arbeitet. In dem Roman Casino Royale (1953) hatte er seinen ersten Auftritt. Fleming schrieb bis zu seinem Tod im Jahr 1964 zwlf Romane und neun Kurzgeschichten um James Bond. Die Kurzgeschichten wurden in zwei Sammelbnden verffentlicht. No est un film ralis par Terence Young avec Sean Connery, Ursula Andress. Synopsis: Le chef des services secrets de Sa Majest britannique, M, envoie en mission. James Bond, galement connu par son matricule 007, est un personnage de fiction cr en 1953 par l'crivain et ancien espion britannique Ian Fleming dans le roman Casino Royale. De 1953 sa mort en 1964 [note 1, Ian Fleming publiera douze romans (dont un posthume) et neuf nouvelles regroupes en deux recueils (dont un posthume) avec le personnage de James Bond. Craig Bunyan examines the fan and media reaction to the new Bond actor, Daniel Craig, and the production Casino Royale over the last 12 months. Der James Bond 007 News Blog mit allen Infos zu BOND 25, Daniel Craig und mit groem James Bond Forum. No) ist ein britischer Spielfilm nach der gleichnamigen Romanvorlage von Ian Fleming. Es ist der erste Film der JamesBondReihe, die auf der Grundlage von Flemings Werken entstand. Die beiden Hauptdarsteller Sean Connery und Ursula Andress schafften damit jeweils ihren internationalen Durchbruch. Wilson And Barbara Broccoli To Be Presented With Special Award. Cinema To Show All Bond Films Through July Dr. No is a 1962 British spy film, starring Sean Connery, with Ursula Andress and Joseph Wiseman, filmed in Jamaica and England. It is the first James Bond film. Based on the 1958 novel of the same name by Ian Fleming, it was adapted by Richard Maibaum, Johanna Harwood, and Berkely Mather and was directed by Terence Young. The film was produced by Harry Saltzman and Albert R. Regardez la bande annonce du film James Bond 007 contre Dr. No, un film de Terence Young James Bond. James Bond alias Agent 007 er hemmelig agent for den britiske Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) ogs kaldet MI6. Han er sofistikeret, kvindebedrer, udspekuleret, skyde og nrkampekspert, vinkender, i god fysisk form, har hj smertetrskel og maskulinitet. James Bond il protagonista di una serie di romanzi dello scrittore britannico Ian Fleming, che nel 1953 pubblic in dodici romanzi e 2 raccolte di storie. Dopo la morte di Fleming, avvenuta nel 1964, Kingsley Amis, Christopher Wood, John Gardner, Raymond Benson, Sebastian Faulks, Jeffery Deaver, William Boyd e Anthony Horowitz hanno continuato a scrivere di Bond. Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) is a service we offer sellers that lets them store their products in Amazon's fulfillment centers, and we directly pack, ship, and provide customer service for these products..