En 1976, Parsons fonde son propre groupe avec Eric Woolfson: The Alan Parsons Project. Son premier album est Tales of Mystery and Imagination, hommage l'crivain Edgar Allan Poe, ce disque le fait connatre aux tatsUnis. Son deuxime album est lui aussi inspir par la littrature puisqu'il s'agit de I Robot, tir du livre I, Robot d'Isaac Asimov. Songs on this album are in a number of different styles, from cool and funky to lyrical and heavily orchestrated. The Hipgnosisdesigned sleeve is green with an image of the Eye of Horus, which was goldfoil stamped for early pressings of the LP. It is variously reported as The Alan Parsons Project's bestselling album, and was the last platinum record in the United States from the. The Alan Parsons Project progresywna grupa rockowa zaoona przez Alana Parsonsa i Erica Woolfsona. Parsons by producentem i inynierem dwiku, a Woolfson kompozytorem wikszoci utworw i autorem tekstw. Zesp by przedsiwziciem typowo studyjnym, ktre opierao si na zatrudnianiu sesyjnych muzykw wykonujcych muzyk stworzon przez duet ParsonsWoolfson. (180 Gram Audiophile Pressing) Unimpressed and untouched by the glorification of individuals so typical of the music business, the Alan Parsons Project proved that even without spectacular light shows, rock celebrities in the band or selfcomposed songs it was possible to rise to stardom. Disfruta de las canciones de The Alan Parsons pertenecientes al gneroletra Los 80s ms escuchadas en la disco. Msica en lnea, videos, letras y ms de The Alan Parsons en Enladisco. com The Alan Parsons Project (abbreviato APP) stato un gruppo rock progressivo britannico nato nel 1975 per iniziativa di Alan Parsons ed Eric Woolfson, attivo, discograficamente parlando, dal 1976 sino ad inizio anni novanta, anche se il periodo di maggior successo si ferma al 1987 The Alan Parsons Project Eye in the Sky Album: Eye in the Sky (1982) Don't think sorry's easily said Don't try turning tables instead Youv'e taken lots of chances before But I'm not gonna give. Eye In The Sky 35th Anniversary Box Set. This stunning 35th anniversary box set, released on 1st December 2017, was made with the full cooperation of Eric Woolfsons family and Alan Parsons. It includes: 3 CDs (the original album plus expanded bonus tracks, a whole disc of Erics never before released songwriting diaries, plus a bonus disc of previously unreleased material from the. In some ways, this is an extension of The Alan Parsons Project's previous album The Turn of a Friendly Card, which deals with gambling. Woolfson spent a lot of time in casinos and was fascinated with the hidden cameras watching his every move. Eric recalls hearing the Eye in the Sky expression used 3 times in one day in different contexts which inspired the title. Firstly, he was in Las Vegas and a friend who was marketing manager of the Tropicana Hotel Casino and took him to see their surveillance system, a small picture of which is on the inside album cover. Lyrics to Eye In The Sky song by The Alan Parsons Project: Don't think sorry's easily said Don't try turning tables instead You've taken lots of chances before El 2 de Diciembre del 2009 nos dejo Eric Woolfson cofundador y principal compositor de The Alan Parsons Project. Ms all de APP, Woolfson compuso temas como Baby Make It Soon, interpretada por Chris Farlowe y que a la postre signific el primer trabajo de produccin de Mick Jagger. Complete your The Alan Parsons Project record collection. Discover The Alan Parsons Project's full discography. Shop new and used Vinyl and CDs. Eye in the sky is reissued as an Expanded Edition and for the first time ever it has been remastered from the original tapes, overseen by Alan Parsons, Includes 6 previously unreleased bonus tracks, including 2 new compilations of elements from the album: The Naked Eye. Eye In The Sky Alan Parsons Project DON'T THINK SORRY'S EASILY SAID DON'T TRY TURNING TABLES INSTEAD YOU'VE TAKEN LOTS OF CHANCES BEFORE The Alan Parsons Project war ein britisches Musikprojekt, das dem Progressive Rock oder Artrock zugerechnet werden kann. Die Band wurde von Alan Parsons und Eric Woolfson gegrndet und bestand von 1975 bis 1987 (1990). The Alan Parsons Project were an English rock band active between 1975 and 1990, whose core membership consisted of Alan Parsons and Eric Woolfson. They were accompanied by a varying number of session musicians and some relatively consistent band members such as guitarist Ian Bairnson, arranger Andrew Powell, bassist and vocalist David Paton, drummer Stuart Elliott, and. Eye in the Sky Alan Parsons Project (Written by Eric Woolfson and Alan Parsons) [Intro Bm G Bm G [Verse D Bm Don't think sorry's easily said D Bm Don't try turning tables inst Alan Parsons (Londra, 20 dicembre 1948) un musicista, cantante e tecnico del suono britannico, fondatore insieme a Eric Woolfson del gruppo progressive rock inglese The Alan Parsons Project. Ha contribuito a molti album, oggi considerati tra i pi importanti della storia della musica rock, e collaborato con importanti gruppi e cantanti rock, tra cui Beatles, Pink Floyd, Al Stewart, John. EYE IN THE SKY 35TH ANNIVERSARY BOX SET NOMINATED IN THE PROGRESSIVE MUSIC AWARDS 2018. 27 June, 2018; by Tabitha Parsons; I am delighted, honored and thankful to have been informed that the Eye In The Sky 35th Anniversary Box Set has been nominated for Reissue Of The.