The Boys is a song recorded by American rapper and singer Nicki Minaj and American singer Cassie Ventura. It was written by Minaj, Anjulie Persaud, Jonas Jeberg and Jean Baptiste, and produced by the latter two. The song was released on September 13, 2012, through Cash Money, Young Money and Universal Republic as the lead single from the reissue of Minaj's second studio album, Pink Friday. Deluxe edition includes three bonus tracks. Highly anticipated 2010 debut album from Nicki Minaj, who is signed to Lil Wayne's Young Money Entertainment empire. Nicki Minaj fddes den 8 december 1982 som Onika Tanya Maraj i Saint James, en frstad till Port of Spain i Trinidad och Tobago. Hennes frldrar heter Carol och Robert Maraj och hon har tre syskon, en syster och tv brder. View Nicki Minaj song lyrics by popularity along with songs featured in, albums, videos and song meanings. We have 13 albums and 287 song lyrics in our database. List of songs with Songfacts entries for Nicki Minaj Product Description. Highly anticipated 2010 debut album from Nicki Minaj, who is signed to Lil Wayne's Young Money Entertainment empire. Features guest appearances from. Diese Diskografie ist eine bersicht ber die musikalischen Werke der USamerikanischen Rapperin und RBSngerin Nicki Minaj. Den Quellenangaben zufolge verkaufte sie bisher ber 10, 7 Millionen Alben und ber 108, 1 Millionen Singles weltweit. Category Music; Song Fly (Super Clean Edit) Artist Nicki Minaj; Album Pink Friday (Explicit Version) Licensed to YouTube by UMG (on behalf of Universal Music); UMPI, SOLAR Music Rights Management. Nicki commence sa carrire dans Hot 97 avec DJ Kay Slay puis signe avec Dirty Money Records. En avril 2007, elle sort sa premire mixtape, Playtime Is Over, o elle pose comme une poupe Barbie sur la pochette. Lil Wayne apparat sur le titre Can't Stop, Won't Stop. En 2008, Nicki Minaj sort sa mixtape, Sucka Free. Elle apparat sur le numro de juillet du XXL magazine, donnant une vue d. 8 Aralk 1982), veya sahne adyla Nicki Minaj (mn), Trinidad doumlu Amerikal rapi, arkc, sz yazar ve aktris. 2001 ylnda katld bir hip hop grubundan 2004 ylnda ayrlmas zerine 2007 ve 2009 arasnda yaymlanan mixtape almalaryla adn duyurdu. Elde ettii solo baarsnn ardndan Young Money Entertainment. Il 30 marzo 2010 viene pubblicato Massive Attack, primo singolo di Nicki Minaj, a cui collabora Sean Garrett, che per non ottiene il successo sperato. La canzone anticipa l'uscita dell'album di debutto della cantante, inizialmente previsto per marzo 2010, ma successivamente posticipato. Il 23 novembre 2010 viene pubblicato il suo primo album in studio Pink Friday. In 2011 werd bekendgemaakt dat Nicki Minaj volop aan het werken is aan een tweede soloalbum. Op 23 november 2011 werd bekendgemaakt dat het album Pink Friday: Roman Reloaded zou heten en dat het album op 14 februari 2012 in de winkels verkrijgbaar zal zijn. Enkele weken later werd bekendgemaakt dat het album pas te verkijgen zou zijn op 3 april 2012. Minaj released the intended lead single from her forthcoming debut album, Massive Attack, on March 29, 2010. Plans for the single were scrapped after an underwhelming commercial performance. As a result, Your Love was released as the album's lead single on June 1, 2010, peaking at number 14 on the Billboard Hot 100 and numberone on the Billboard Rap Songs chart. Onika Tanya Maraj (Saint James, 8 de dezembro de 1982), conhecida por seu nome artstico Nicki Minaj, uma cantora, compositora, dubladora e atriz trinidiana, naturalizada norteamericana. Minaj nasceu no pas caribenho e mudouse para o bairro novaiorquino do Queens quando tinha cinco anos de idade, se formando em escolas artsticas mais tarde. Depois de lanar trs mixtapes entre. Category Music; Song Starships; Artist Nicki Minaj; Album 538 Dance Smash 2012, Vol. 3; Writers Nicki Minaj, Wayne Hector, Carl Falk, Nadir Khayat, Rami Yacoub Nicki Minaj plastic surgery is one that has encountered heavy denial from the celebrity herself. She has insisted on several accounts that her face is not unnatural. Lyrics to Fly song by Nicki Minaj: I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise To fly Lyrics to Your Love song by Nicki Minaj: Shawty, Imma only tell you this once, you're the illest (Bah ba dah dah oh) And for your lovin' I'm Lyrics to 'Fly' by Nicki Minaj. I came to win, to fight, to conquer, to thrive I came to win, to survive, to prosper, to rise To fly To fly I wish today Onika Tanya Maraj ( 8. prosince 1982, Trinidad), lpe znm pod svm umleckm jmnem Nicki Minaj [niky min, je textaka a zpvaka v nrech RB a Hip hop z New Yorku. Narodila se na Trinidadu, ale pot se pesthovala do tvrti Queens v New Yorku a vystudovala na LaGuardia High School. Svj prvn mixtape pod nzvem Playtime Is Over vydala roku 2007..